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Halloween special? strap in
this chapter was written in part with Peakaboolixie

I gulp anxiously at his words as I nodded, feeling a blush creep onto my cheeks. Pulling away from my ear, Chan cheekily kisses my cheek seeing the effect he has on me before grabbing my hand and guiding me further into the room. "I know it's a lot to take in right now, but please remember, we don't have to use everything or any of it, for that matter. It is completely up to you and what makes you comfortable. Okay, Baby?" Chan reassures me as I smile widely at him. God, I am so in love with this man.

"Jeonginnie, honey?" I am snapped back into reality as I see Chan looking at me with a concerned look. "We haven't even done anything and you are already spaced out." He giggles, causing me to playfully roll my eyes. "So, do you have any questions?" Smirking lightly at him, I walk over to him, slowly, as I let my hands trail under his shirt, touching his bare waist before letting my fingers play with the material that I oh so badly wanted gone. "Yeah, when do we start?" I challenge as Chan chuckles, wrapping his arms around my waist. "How about now."

With that, our lips slam together in a feverish kiss as our hands desperately cling and grasp onto whatever that was in reach. His hands move from my waist as he grabs onto my ass causing me to "accidentally" buck my hips into his. We both groan into the kiss as my mouth opens a little, allowing Chan to slip his tongue into my mouth to continue our messy kiss. Lips molding with each other to a rhythm we both know all too well as I try to dominate the kiss, taking Chan's bottom lip between mine as I suck on the plump lip, causing a slight whimper to escape the dom. Struggling to gain back his dominance, Chan pins me to the closest wall, grabbing my thigh before hoisting it up around his waist as he grins harshly down onto my crotch. "Oh fuck!" I moan as I break the kiss, watching how Chan's eyes slowly turn from a smooth dark brown colour to an almost black colour, his gaze clouded with lust as he looks down at my state.

Chucking darkly at the mess he made of me, his lips make their way to my earlobe as he teasingly nibbles and sucks on the flesh as I repeatedly buck my hips. "Poor baby got all worked up, huh? Maybe if you weren't such an eager slut and tried to dominate me, I would've had mercy on you." I whine at his words as I look at him with pleading eyes and a small pout. Leaning down to peck my lips softly, I watch his demeanour falter for a split second as he looks at me as if I was his whole world. "Do you remember your safe word, Kitten?" Feeling a small smile makes its way upon my lips, I nod as I giggle a little. "Of course, Chan." A harsh slap makes its way to my upper thigh as I gasp from the sudden pain and shock. "That's Daddy to you, Kitten. I thought you would've known better than that, Baby." Chan remarks as he stands up straight before holding my hand, guiding me towards the dresser.

It was tall, a dark oak colour, containing many drawers that have my dick twitching in anticipation to what Chan was hiding in them. "Why don't you pick a drawer, Kitten, see what's in there and maybe we can try them out?" He starts off the question quite demanding, however, his kind natures kicks in towards the end as he can't help but be cautious knowing that I have never experienced this before.

I nod my head as I lift my shaky hand up to the second drawer, hoping that whatever was inside wouldn't be too scary or overly kinky for my first time experiencing this. Noticing my hesitation, Chan rubs my back as he kisses my cheek, "If you don't like what's in here, we can always pick another drawer, Baby Boy." I feel myself gain a little more confidence knowing that Chan would never force me into something that I wasn't comfortable with as I open the second drawer. Gasping at what's inside, I turn to Chan who stands there with a slight smirk playing on his lips.

The drawer contained a number of toys and clothing pieces, some had my hole clenching around nothing at the thought of it being used one me while others had me questioning how to use it and even what it was. Chan stands behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, holding me tightly against his front as he slowly grinds his clothed cock onto my skirt. "Hmm, look at what we got here, huh? Go on, pick out what you wanna use, Kitten." He growls against my neck as I feel his wet lips drag themselves down my neck, where the collar was situated, before marking the area. Moaning at the sensation, I feel my knees buckle as I almost collapse into his embrace. Tapping my waist, Chan brings my attention back towards the opened drawer as I helplessly look between my boyfriend and the drawer. Noticing my hesitation once again, Chan moves from behind me to beside me as he explains briefly the contents. I love it when he goes into his Daddy mode, treating like the helpless little boy that I am.

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