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"We could always go inside, you know." Looking over my shoulder, I noticed how all of the guys were fast asleep. We could. We did get interrupted earlier...

It was a good interruption, though. That puppy was totally worth it. He's been asleep the entire time, though, which is fine. I'm sure he'll be super hyper tomorrow once he's used to us and the house.

Turning back to Chan, I could see that he was anxiously awaiting an answer. He wanted me to choose going inside and to be honest, I wanted me to choose going inside as well.

We haven't had sex in a while because of the move and all, and it was kind of frustrating to be interrupted earlier.

"Baby," Chan started, his voice lowering as he leaned in closer, inches from my ear. I could feel his warm breath on my neck, sending shivers down my spine. "Daddy will show you a surprise I bought if you decide to move this inside." Deal.

I grabbed ahold of Chan's hand and ran inside, trying to not think too hard about the problem growing inside my shorts.

Chan pulled me back slightly, stepping in front of me so that he could now lead.

He pulled us into our bedroom before sitting me on the bed, engulfing my lips into a passionate kiss. I hummed into the kiss, enjoying the feeling of his lips on mine once again. I will never get over how soft his lips are.

He finally broke the kiss, our chests rising up and down as we panted for air. "Don't move." I only nodded as I watched him leave the room.

I patiently waited for his return, eager to see what he was bringing back. He said he would show me a surprise. I wonder what it is...that belongs in the dungeon. Or maybe he's just holding it there for safe keeping?

"Close your eyes, Baby Boy." "But-" "Did I stutter?" Even from outside the door frame I could still picture that dark look in his eyes. So I decided to obey in order to see the surprise.

Hearing him shuffle into the room only made me more anxious. Seriously, what could this be? Maybe an actual new toy? We only really have that one vibrator so a new toy would make sense.

"Okay, you can open your eyes now." Slowly opening my eyes, I took notice of how nothing new seemed to be in the room. Chan wasn't holding anything, wearing anything different, and nothing was on the bed.

My brows furrowed in confusion but before I could question anything, Chan placed a finger to his lips, silently hushing me. I did as instructed and just observed, waiting for the surprise. And boy was it a surprise.

Chan slowly starting to strip his clothes, starting with a painfully slow stripping of his sweats. As each piece of clothing fell to the floor, I could slowly start to spot the bondage he had on underneath.

I gulped as he stood in front of me, admiring his new attire. He wore a set of red garter belts that led to a matching belt tied around his waist, which sat above a pair of boxer briefs that hugged everything so perfectly. A red harness adorned his chest, his pecks pushing against the material as if it were too tight. Tight or not, the way his pecks are pressing against the faux leather material is driving me insane.

My eyes trailed his body, trying to find the best way to say that he's absolutely stunning. And all for me. Chan usually doesn't get dressed up in anything because of our dynamic. I'm usually the one he buys these kinds of outfits for. Which I don't mind, I enjoy dressing up, and I know Chan enjoys seeing me in the outfits he chooses even more. But seeing him, for the first time, vulnerable to me, in an outfit consisting of just harnesses, is driving me insane.

"Are you going to say anything." Chan mumbled, now becoming shy, as he inched closer to me. "You're beautiful." His cheeks flushed pink as he looked to the ground, his confidence seeming to sway. "I mean it, Daddy. You're," I started, standing up and taking hold of his hands. "You are so unbelievably attractive, and to see you in this attire just...This is all for me? You were willing to dress up for me?"

"Of course, Baby Boy. I figured since I always buy you outfits and have you show off for me, I could maybe show off for you once in a while." He finally made eye contact with me, his eyes showing love and comfort with a hint of lust. "Do you really like it?" "I love it, Daddy."

His eyes flickered between mine and my lips before he questioned, "Can I kiss you, Baby?" "God, yes." His lips crashed onto mine, instantly locking us into yet another heated make out session.

We slowly walked backwards until I fell onto the bed and Chan collapsed on top of me. The cool feeling of the buckles on his harness caused me to whimper, earning a grin from Chan.

He broke the kiss, starting his attack on my neck. I moaned softly as his lips explored my sensitive skin.

"I'm gonna take your sweater off, okay, Baby?" I nodded, smiling softly. "Okay, Daddy." He slid the soft fabric over my head, asking if he could remove my shorts next. I nodded once again, my cheeks flushing pink as my member was exposed to the cold air.

"My baby is so eager, isn't he?" I could only whine at his teasing, resulting in him eliciting a chuckle. "Daddy." I breathed out as his lips began attacking my skin once more, trailing closer and closer to that lovely spot above my collarbone. "Please, I need you right now. We've waited so long, please don't tease me any longer."

Chan attacked that special area of skin, neither of us caring how loud the moans that escaped my lips were. We have waited so long for this and we didn't care how loud we were gonna be when it finally happened.

After abusing my skin, Chan reached over and grabbed the lube, ready to apply some to his fingers to stretch me out. I stopped him, making him furrow his brows in confusion. "Baby, I-" "Please just fuck me. I don't need foreplay with lots of prep. Please, Daddy? I need you inside me so badly." I could see the hesitation on his face as he didn't want to hurt me but he decided to follow my wishes.

After pulling down his boxers, Chan applied some lube to his shaft before lining up with my entrance. He looked at me with a look of question, asking one last time if I wanted this, to which I only nodded.

As he slowly pushed in, my mouth fell open in a silent scream at the stretch. Fuck. Maybe I should have been patient and let him prep me...

But it's too late now. The pain will be over soon and turn into sweet pleasure. Chan bottomed out but stayed still, burying his head into the crook of my neck. His heavy breathing tickled my neck as his hands drew circles onto my sides to comfort me through the pain.

After a minute or so I could feel the pain subside, so I told him that he could move. "Are you sure?" Nodding, I smiled softly at how sweet he is before the demon comes out and ruins me.

He started out with a soft and slow pace, groaning softly with every thrust. But as his pace picked up, I could tell that soft and slow was not going to be his thing tonight.

My whimpers became louder as his pace picked up, his grip on my waist tightening the louder I got. Because of the teasing and waiting, mixed with how Chan looks right now, it didn't take me long to climb towards that sweet release.

"Daddy, I...I'm gonna-" "Go ahead, Baby. I'm right behind you." He groaned out, his pace quickly becoming sloppy as he was nearing his climax.

With one last thrust, I cried out as I came, seeing stars. Chan came shortly after, filling me up to the brim. After we both calmed down from our highs, he pulled out and went to go grab a towel to clean me up.

Afterwards, he sighed to himself as he poked at the harness. "I guess I'll go take this off for another time." "There's gonna be another time?" My eyes glistened with hope, loving the idea of seeing him in that harness again. "Of course, Baby Boy. Anything for you."

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