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Chan wants me out of the house today so that he can finish our special room, so Felix and I decided on a trip to the arcade. What better way to spend the day than with my best friend at an arcade?

"Can't I stay and watch what you bring in?" "No, that ruins the surprise." Chan chuckled as he shooed me out the door. Felix was waiting for me outside in the car, probably super excited for the arcade since we haven't been in so long. And it's a nice way to celebrate our last day before school starts.

"You have fun, I'll call you guys when you can come home." "Fine." I mumbled, placing a kiss to his cheek before running out to Felix's car. "Hi, Lixie. Are you ready?" "I was born ready." I chuckled at his lame joke as I buckled up, already thinking about what could possibly be going into that room.


"That's cheating." I whined, nudging Felix's arm to try and make him run off the road. But he only chuckled and continued to first place, quickly racing to the finish line. My Princess Peach remaining in second place. "Some things don't change." Felix shrugged, grinning to himself as he beat me for the third time at Mario Cart.

We've been at the arcade for a couple hours now and we were honestly getting kind of bored. "Should we go do something else?" "Hm...We could go to the park. Or a movie. Lunch sounds kind of good, too." "Let's do lunch and then a movie." Felix suggested, earning a nod from me. Lunch and a movie sounds like a great time and a good end to the day. Well, hopefully. I don't know how much more Chan has to do but I'm hoping by the end of the movie he'll tell me that I can come home. Maybe he'll even reveal the special room to me. If I'm lucky, that is.

We decided on the little café near the arcade for lunch since it was close and honestly pretty good. We both got egg toast, something light but filling. We didn't want to be too full since we were going to snack on theater popcorn.

We decided on 'Free Guy' as our movie for the night. Felix has already seen it with Changbin but I really wanted to watch it. Felix said he didn't mind watching it again, which is nice of him.

We grabbed our popcorn and drinks before heading towards the theater. Sitting at the back of the theater, I was thankful it wasn't super packed so that we could enjoy the movie properly. It gets too loud if there's too many people.

Halfway through the movie, Felix gets a text from Chan, telling him that we could come home. Felix informed him that we were currently watching a movie, to which Chan just said to be back before dark. "Does he always want you home before dark?" Felix whispered as he slipped his phone back into his pocket. I nodded, "I think he just worries and thinks something is going to happen to me after hours. He's always been like this. It's kind of sweet but it can get annoying. Especially if I'm out with you and Seungmin." He only nodded in response, turning his attention back to the movie.

The rest of the movie went by rather quickly, which is a good thing. That means I can get back to the house and hopefully see our special room. Felix and I drove back to my house, discussing our thoughts about the movie. Once we arrived home, Felix bid me goodbye and goodnight, wishing me luck if Chan showed me the room.

Upon entering the house, I noticed how it was super quiet. Thinking that Chan fell asleep, I tiptoed towards our room, trying my best to be quiet. Once inside, I closed the door slowly behind me, hoping that it wasn't too loud. I decided to just strip to my boxers instead of searching for comfy clothes as to not wake Chan.

But as I crawled into bed, I couldn't feel him. Searching the sheets with my hands, everything felt empty. Confused, I got out of bed and went on the search for my boyfriend. Berry followed at my feet as I exited our bedroom and went straight for our special room. He has to be there, he's been working on it all day.

Knocking on the door, I heard some footsteps before the door opened to reveal a grinning Chan. "Hey, Baby." "Hi, Daddy. Are you not coming to bed?" He thought for a second before closing the door in my face. Well that was rude...

After standing there for a second, dumbfounded, I decided that I would just go to bed without him. But as I turned on my heel to head back towards our bedroom, Chan opened the door once again, this time stepping out into full view. "What if I made you a proposition?"

Looking at him with a confused expression, I questioned wearily, "What kind of proposition?" Placing his hands behind his back like a child, Chan advanced towards me with a smirk tugging at his lips. "I'll show you the room tomorrow after school if you wear something for me."

My eyebrows raised in curiosity. "What kind of something." "Nu uh. You have to agree to it first, Baby Boy." Thinking for a second, I figured, what's the worst that could happen? "Okay, Daddy. I'll wear something for you tomorrow." His eyes gleamed with excitement. "Wait here. Close your eyes."

Before I could protest, he was back in that room. Deciding to obey, I stood in the hallway with my eyes closed, dressed only in my boxers, waiting for my boyfriend to show me whatever it is that he wants me to wear tomorrow.

I heard the door open and close before sensing that Chan was now standing in front of me. "You can open your eyes, Baby Boy." Doing as instructed, I opened my eyes to find Chan holding a box in his hands. It was a little bit bigger than both his hands combined, a little ribbon securing it closed. "Go ahead." Chan motioned towards the box. "Open it."

His eyes showed nothing but excitement, which caused me to smile as I unwrapped the ribbon, taking the lid off. Underneath was something that I wasn't expecting. It was the collar Chan and I talked about a while ago. The collar was constructed of two chains that led to a lock that was secured shut by a key. It's discrete but powerful.

"Do you like it?" Chan whispered, fear evident in his voice. "I love it, Daddy. But," I looked up to meet his hopeful eyes. "How did you...Where did you get this?" He only smiled, "I had it special made for us from a small shop. I'll have the key on a chain to wear around my neck just in case you ever need to take it off." He's so considerate, always wanting me to feel safe and comfortable.

"Baby," Chan started, lowering the box as he stepped closer to me. "You don't have to wear it. But, you've mentioned how you wanted a collar and I figured since we're building a future together and a house, now would be a good time. Especially with the new room and all. But we can wait on collaring you if you're not comfortable with it right now."

I smiled warmly, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love it, Daddy. I do want to wear it. I'd be honored, in fact, to be collared by you." Chan grinned, leaning in close, his lips grazing against mine. "Oh yeah?" "Mm."

Chan stepped back, taking the collar out of the box and holding it up. Reaching into his shirt, he took out a chain with a little key on it, unlocking the padlock that secured the collar. He looked up at me, almost as if asking for permission, before I nodded slowly.

Chan delicately placed the collar around my neck before securing the padlock. Taking a step back, a smile spread across his face as his eyes lit up with adoration. "You look beautiful, Baby Boy." Reaching up to touch the collar, I smiled at the feeling of the collar around my neck. "Thank you, Daddy."

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