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As I woke up, I realized Jeongin wasn't in the bed. Panicking, I scurried out of bed and ran downstairs only to be met with all of the guys coloring with Jeongin.

Sighing in relief, I caught the attention of everyone. "You alright, Hyung?" "Yeah, I'm okay." Taking a seat on the couch, I watched all of the guys color different coloring pages. "Where did you guys get coloring pages?"

"We have them at everyone's house for Jeongin and Jisung, just in case." Nodding my head, silence fell over everyone. That was, until Jisung turned towards me, Minho following shortly after. "You're not going to question that?" "Question what? You guys coloring?" I questioned, rather confused.

"Why Hyunjin said that everyone has coloring pages for Jeongin and I?" "Well, you're a Little, so it makes sense?" This caused everyone to look at me. "What..." "You remember that?" "Yeah...Jisung told Minho over a game of truth or dare."

Everyone just stared at me with blank expressions, causing me to worry. "What else happened during that game?" Felix questioned, everyone stopping their coloring and sitting up to face me as if I were about to tell a bedtime story.

"Um...Felix said he missed being Jeongin's caregiver. Seungmin confessed his feelings towards Hyunjin. I remember something about sharing?" Looking over at Felix, I questioned softly, "What was the thing about sharing?" He blushed, glancing around before speaking softly, "Sharing each other. Like, sexually." Oh. I don't think I'd like that. Jeongin is mine. Well-

"Do you remember anything else? Like what happened the next day?" My cheeks blushed red as I glanced at Jeongin, remembering how we snuck inside that night to have sex. "We all talked about the dungeon I was making Jeongin and I."

"Which we never got to see." Hyunjin mumbled, causing everyone to laugh. Everyone's eyes were on Jeongin now, causing the younger to blush. "Is it amazing? The dungeon?" "I...it's...good."

"Minho, we should get a dungeon." Jisung sighed, leaning against his now beet red boyfriend. "Let's not and say we did."

"Anyways. Hyung," Seungmin started, drawing the attention back onto me. "Do you remember anything else? Maybe those flashbacks from earlier started triggering memories." I thought for a second, trying to think of anything else that my brain was hyper focusing on.

Shaking my head, I looked back up to glance around the room at the guys. "I think that's all...for the moment." "Does your head still hurt?" Nodding, I sighed softly. "But I'm not taking another nap. I'll just deal with it."

They all nodded, not wanting to argue. "Maybe you and Jeongin should go home so you can rest." Felix suggested, resting his hand on my shoulder. "He's eaten, he came down for food a while ago. Just go home and relax for a while, Hyung." I looked at Jeongin to see if he was okay with that to which the younger only nodded, smiling.

After gathering his coloring pages and Oliver, Jeongin hugged everyone goodbye while I just waved at everyone. "Daddy, are you able to drive?" "I'll be okay, Baby. I promise." He only nodded in response, going to look out the window as we started our drive home.

"Did you have fun, Baby Boy?" "Mm. Jinnie-Hyung made food and then we started coloring." "How long was Daddy asleep?" "A couple hours." Damn.

"Daddy?" "Yes, Baby Boy?" "Do you...Do you think your memory is coming back?" "Slowly but surely, I think so." Jeongin nodded, a small smile tugging on his lips. I couldn't help but to smile myself. It feels so refreshing to remember something. To not feel as if I'm in the dark twenty-four seven.

It didn't take long for us to arrive home, and once we did, Jeongin immediately shimmied out of his pants, plopping down onto the couch. "Baby." I whined, falling onto the younger. He giggled, running his fingers through my hair which was honestly really soothing. "Yes, Daddy?" "Shouldn't you go put shorts on or something?"

"I don't want to." Jeongin pouted but I could see the mischief behind those eyes. "What if I tell you to?" Thinking for a second, he shook his head. "Oh, so you would disobey Daddy?" "I-no." "I don't know, it sounds like you're saying you would disobey Daddy and that's not very good of you, Little One." "This isn't fair." He whined, leaning his head back onto the couch.

Chuckling, I just snuggled closer against his stomach, wrapping my arms around his waist while my head rested on his thighs. "You don't have to go change, Baby. Daddy was just teasing." He mumbled an 'okay' before going back to playing with my hair.

I laid there, snuggled up against my boyfriend while he watched cartoons, for probably a good hour. Until the phone started ringing, that is.

Rolling over, I picked it up off the floor to see it was Jeongin's parents. Why are they calling me? "Hello?" "Chan, how are you doing, honey?" Mrs. Yang is always so sweet. She reminds me of my mom a lot.

"I'm doing okay, my head hurts from remembering so much." "I'm sorry to hear that. Drink lots of water, okay? Have Jeongin make you some soup, as well." I chuckled, peering up at the boy who was still glued to the tv. "I'll see if he will."

"Good. Now," She started, getting down to business. "We're coming into town for a couple of days and wanted to know if two wanted to have dinner with us Friday night." "I would love that, and I'm sure Jeongin would too." She hummed in approval, bidding me goodbye before hanging up.

"Why does my mom only call you? She won't call me anymore." "Maybe since my mom loves you so much, your mom decided to love me more." He pouted but couldn't help but to agree. Mom does love Jeongin a lot. I would say probably more than me and probably just as much as Felix. If not more. She's always liked Jeongin.

Wait. How did I...know that...whatever.

As I began to snuggle back up to Jeongin, the younger let out a whine. "Let me at least lay down with you." Agreeing, Jeongin laid down with his back pressed against my chest as he continued to watch his cartoons. I wrapped my arm around his waist, sighing in content before drifting off to sleep.

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