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"Mom, you passed the house." Looking back at our street, I furrowed my brows in confusion. Looking towards Felix, he sighed. "Hyung. You don't live at home anymore. So we're taking you to your home." "But where would I live if I don't live with you and mom?"

I could hear mom sigh, but Felix kept my attention by continuing, "Do you remember my friend Jeongin?" I thought for a second before nodding, "The cute little boy you play games with. He's at the house all the time." He nodded, "You live with him." "What? I live with your best friend?"

Speaking of...I haven't seen Jeongin since I left for Australia. I wonder how he looks now. He's all grown up and out of high school now, just like Felix. He was always adorable back when he was in high school. Like a little kid who didn't grow out of his style. I thought it was really cute, not gonna lie.

Before I knew it, mom had stopped the car. Looking out the window, I noticed we had stopped in front of a really nice house. It was two stories with really nice architecture.

As we all got out of the car, the front door opened to reveal..."Jeongin?" Looking between him and Felix, I was very confused. "That's Jeongin?" Felix nodded, seeming slightly confused. "But I remember him...being..." "Being what, Hyung?" "Like a child. Not...hot." Felix chuckled, linking his arm with mine as the three of us walked towards the house.

"Jeongin, sweetie. You look nice today." Mom commented Jeongin, who was dressed in ripped black skinny jeans, old skool Vans, and an oversized pastel green sweater. He does look really good.

Jeongin hugged mom, who entered the house, leaving Felix, Jeongin and I outside. Felix was next to hug the boy, who seemed to melt into his embrace. Did they start dating? My heart hurt at the thought. Why does my heart hurt?

I was brought out of my thoughts as Felix questioned, "Are you coming inside?" I was hesitant, almost as if I was scared to know what the inside looked like. What if I have bad taste? I don't want to remember that. But I followed nonetheless, knowing mom would drag me inside if I didn't go in on my own free will.

Upon entering, I was in awe of the house already. White walls with dark hardwood floors. The living room was homey, a black couch in the center with a large tv hung up on the wall. A dog bed lay beside the couch, catching my interest. "I have a dog?" "You do, his name is Berry." That's a cute name.

"Jeongin, do you want to show Chan around your home?" My eyes darted towards the younger male, who seemed...weary. He avoided eye contact with me, his eyes staying on either mom or Felix. He didn't answer, to which mom slapped his arm lightly. "Fine."

He began to walk towards another room, to which Felix shoved me in the same direction. I followed the younger, who kept his eyes on the floor. "This is the kitchen." "Whoa."

The cabinets were black, which contrasted really well with the white walls and white countertops. There was a kitchen island, which added a nice touch to the kitchen. It looks like there's a lot of room to cook in here.

"Do," I turned towards the younger, who flinched and looked at the ground as soon as we made eye contact. "Do we do a lot of cooking in here?" "You do, yeah." I nodded, getting distracted by the dog that was outside. "Is that Berry?" "Yeah." I stood at the large windows that stood almost floor to ceiling, admiring the dog that was playing outside.

"What other rooms are there?" Jeongin began walking, so I just followed without asking questions. We passed mom and Felix who were seated on the couch. Felix gave me a thumbs up as we passed, making me smile.

Walking up the stairs, Jeongin stopped at door number one. He opened it, revealing a very cute and cozy office space. "This is my office. For school." "This looks really cozy. Did you design it?" He only nodded before closing the door and walking towards the second room.

He opened it to reveal a bedroom, the master bedroom of the house. "Whoa..." I walked in, admiring everything. The sheets were a charcoal grey with matching pillows, a stuffed bear placed neatly on top of the comforter. There was a nightstand with a photo on it, and when I approached the photo, I saw that it was Jeongin and I.

"This is our bedroom." Our bedroom. Our...

My head shot up and my eyes finally met his for the first time today. They were soft, glossed over with tears as he stared back at me. "We...we share a room?" He only nodded, gulping. I could see his heart break in his eyes, and for some reason, mine felt like it was breaking just witnessing it.

Looking back at the photo, I finally realized, Jeongin and I are dating.

I looked back up only to notice that he had left. "Jeongin?" Leaving the room, I saw the door to his office close shut. Mom and Felix came upstairs after hearing the sound, both stopping to look at the photo in my hands.

I admired the photo for a little bit longer before looking up to Felix, who looked pained. "I'm dating your best friend?" He nodded, sniffling back some tears, "You have been. For about a year now." A year?

I glanced back down at the photo before questioning, mostly to myself, "Why don't I remember?" "It'll come back to you, sweetheart. Remember what the doctor said? It just takes time." I nodded, still admiring the photo in my hands. We look so happy.

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