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I woke up to the feeling of a tongue being dragged across my face. Furrowing my brows, I wondered what it could be until I heard Berry bark.

As I opened my eyes, I was met with the smiling face of little Berry, wagging his tail back and forth. He barked once more before jumping off the bed and running out of the room.

I heard Chan chuckle behind me as he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "I think Berry wants attention, Baby. Or outside." I nodded as I snuggled back into him, sighing in content as I became comfy once again.

"We should get up to let him out and to see if the guys are still alive." I only hummed in response, not moving a muscle. Chan chuckled as he picked me up, causing me to whine as I lost the comfort of the covers.

"We can take a nap later, Baby." He sat me down in the hallway, smacking my ass before walking down the stairs. I watched his ass as he walked away, mesmerized by the way his hips sway. He was only wearing his sweats so it was pretty hard to not stare. And his back? The curves of his back are the work of a god.

I followed Chan downstairs and into the backyard where the guys were still fast asleep. It was only about eight in the morning so it's not surprising to see them all still fast asleep. I wish I was still fast asleep.

"Do we wake them?" I whispered to Chan, who only shrugged. "Couldn't hurt, right?" Chan went and woke Felix and Changbin up while I woke Hyunjin and Seungmin up. Hyunjin whined, clinging onto Seungmin, who was trying so hard to get up. But to no avail because of Hyunjin. "I will buy you breakfast if you wake up." Hyunjin quickly got up, accepting the bribe that his boyfriend offered. I giggled at the two, looking over to Felix and Changbin, who were currently talking with Chan.

I bid Hyunjin and Seungmin goodbye as they went to go get that breakfast. I decided to stay inside and play with Berry as Chan, Felix, and Changbin stayed outside to talk.

Maybe we can go to the pet store to purchase some things for Berry today. He needs a bed, a collar with a cute name tag, some toys, and definitely an adorable bowl set.

After a few minutes, the three men walked inside. "Baby, would you mind if Felix and Changbin continued to stay over?" "As long as we can all go to the pet store." Chan smiled, looking at the couple to see if they were okay with that.

"I'm down for pet supply shopping!" Felix giggled, making me smile. I knew Felix would be down, he'd do anything for me, just like Chan. And if Felix is down, Changbin will follow. Which it seems like he is since he nodded in agreement. "It'll be fun."

Chan and I went to go get changed into more appropriate shopping attire as the couple downstairs played with Berry. I changed into a pair of ripped black jeans and a soft pink crop top, pairing it with my black Vans. Chan went with black ripped jeans as well, a black tank, finally pairing it with his own black Vans. We seem to be matching and it's adorable.

We walked downstairs together and quickly found the harness and leash that Seungmin and Hyunjin had bought us for the puppy. The four of us hopped into Chan's car, Berry resting on my lap, as we headed towards the pet store.

It didn't take us long to get to the pet store, which is nice. I didn't even know there was one so close. That'll come in handy in the future for sure.

"Okay, let's go." Felix cheered, him and Changbin already running inside the store. They must want to look at the puppies and kittens. "Daddy?" "Yes, Baby?" "Can we get Berry some cute clothes in the future?" He smiled, nodding in response. "Of course, Baby. When he grows up some we'll get him some cute clothes." Returning his smile, I got out of the car, Berry jumping out in excitement.

Chan took hold of my hand as we walked inside, causing me to blush at the gesture. He always wants to hold my hand when we're out, not only as a gesture to show he's there, but to make sure I don't run off and get hurt. Especially when we cross streets or parking lots. I think it's super sweet.

Felix and Changbin ran up to us with a couple toys in hand, Felix sounding super excited as he questioned, "Can we get these for him?" Chan only chuckled, grabbing a cart and motioning for them to place the toys inside. They both cheered, causing everyone to look at us.

I just giggled at my best friend and his boyfriend, who the more I got to know, the more I got to like. He seems cold at first but maybe that's just because he's shy. He's actually a lot like Felix. Very bubbly and giggly. I think Felix brings out that side of him.

We walked around for a bit and looked at more toys before going to purchase the important stuff. Chan and I decided on a set of matte black bowls for his food and water. The store worker suggested a puppy chow so we bought the one with the best ingredients, as well as a bag of treats to maybe try training him.

Next was his collar. We got Berry a black collar with a silver badge that read his name, our address, and Chan's number. I picked out a white and black striped leash for him, thinking it was a cute contrast to the all black collar.

Heading towards the checkout, someone shouted Chan's name. He looked at me confused before turning around. I saw a man frantically waving his hand in the air as he pushed a cart full of cat things. "BamBam?" Chan questioned softly, almost as if he were talking to himself. BamBam? What kind of name is that?

"Chris! Man, I can't believe I'm seeing you here! I was gonna call you after I left." The two hugged before the guy hugged Felix. Changbin and I looked at each other in confusion, both of us shrugging.

"BamBam, this is Felix's boyfriend, Changbin." The two nodded at each other before the mysterious man turned his attention towards me. "And this," Chan started, taking hold of my hand and smiling warmly at me. "Is my precious Little Boy, Jeongin."

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