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We decided to go into the back yard to play since there were too many boxes and furniture pieces to sit in a circle inside. It was really nice out tonight. We decided that couples should sit across from each other as to not cheat and whisper answers or anything. Make it more fun. Man, I wish Jisung and Minho would have stayed for this, it would have been so much fun. But Minho works in the morning and needs his rest.

"Okay, rules of the game." Seungmin started, looking at all of us with stern eyes. "No cheating, nothing overly sexual, and don't make Jeongin cry." I pouted at that rule but didn't say anything because I know I'm sensitive.

Before we could start, we heard the front door open and close before Jisung came running outside, dragging a tired Minho behind him. "Move move move." Jisung sat Minho down beside Chan while he pushed Hyunjin away and sat next to me. Everyone looked between him and Minho, confusion written on everyone's faces. "What? Hyunjin told me you guys were gonna play truth or dare and I didn't want to miss anything."

Minho sighed, pulling an energy drink out of his pocket. How did he... "This is going to be a long night." "Why don't you go home then?" Seungmin questioned, not wanting to have an upset Minho. He's kind of mean when he's upset. "If my baby wants to come play truth or dare, we're gonna sit here and play truth or dare." Minho cares for Jisung so much. Just little things he does like this just prove that.

"Okay, well, the rules of the game are no cheating, nothing overly sexual, and don't make Jeongin cry." Chan caught them up, earning a nod from both of them. "Hyunjin, you start since this was your idea."

"Felix." Felix gulped, clearly not ready for whatever Hyunjin was gonna ask. "Truth or dare." "Truth." Hyunjin thought for a second before questioning, "Do you miss being Jeongin's primary caregiver?" "A hundred percent." Felix looked over towards Chan, "Sorry, Hyung." "None taken."

It was now Felix's turn and he chose Jisung. "Jisung, truth or dare." "Dare." "I dare you to tell Minho." Minho looked between Felix and Jisung with a confused expression on his face while Jisung just looked fearful. He gulped, slowly adverting his gaze towards his boyfriend who only raised his brow in curiosity. "Um...babe...I just...uh..." "You don't have to do this, Hyung." I whispered, not wanting Jisung to out himself in front of everyone. I glared at Felix who only shrugged in response. So mean.

Minho crawled through the circle and sat in front of Jisung, taking hold of his hands. "Baby, you can tell me anything." "I...think I'm a Little..." Jisung whispered, trying to not let the others know, even though everyone was leaning in as close as possible to eavesdrop. Minho smiled softly, placing a kiss to the top of Jisung's hand. "Then I will be the best caregiver you could ever ask for." They shared a kiss before Minho took his spot beside Chan.

The game went on, Jisung picking Seungmin who chose truth, naturally. "Do you love Hyunjin?" Seungmin went red, glancing over at Hyunjin who seemed just as curious about the question. "I do." Everyone cheered, watching as Hyunjin tackled the latter, kissing him. They're so cute.

After everyone took their seats again, Felix spoke up before Seungmin could choose his victim for truth or dare. "Can I suggest that we do a grown up version of the game? This feels a bit boring." "But we agreed nothing overly sexual." Jisung stated, only making Minho raise his brow. "You're saying you wouldn't want to have a sexual version of the game? I've never heard that one before." The younger went red as he looked down at his lap, making me giggle at his shy reaction to his boyfriend's words. "You don't get to laugh, Baby Boy. You're just as dirty as Jisung." "Am not!" Chan raised his brow at my response, a small smirk tugging at his lips.

"Well, it would be kinda boring anyway because we're all in relationships. Isn't dirty truth or dare for people who aren't?" Changbin questioned, clearly nervous about sharing his boyfriend. Everyone mumbled to themselves before Minho stood up, catching everyone's attention. "What if we do a dirty truth with no rules, but dares have to be restricted to couples."

That would be interesting...But could also be slightly embarrassing if someone is dared to do the dirty in front of everyone. But could also be really hot... "I like that idea. And it doesn't have to be dirty, we can still ask normal questions, but I do agree that dirty dares should be restricted to couples. Unless anyone is willing to share." Seungmin looked around the group, waiting to see if someone was willing to share.

Just as Seungmin was about to continue, Chan raised his hand, making my eyes go wide. As he looked at me, Felix raised his, Changbin following. Jisung raised his hand sheepishly, not daring to look Minho in the eyes. I looked between the two, noticing a dark look in Minho's eyes as he, too, raised his hand. It was now only Seungmin, Hyunjin and I with our hands not raised. We all looked at each other before looking at our boyfriends.

"I just...I don't like sharing, usually, but I just..." Hyunjin began, raising his hand while scratching the back of his neck. "I think it would be kind of hot..." Chan nodded in agreement, making my mouth fall open. Chan's usually so protective and doesn't like me to show affection with anyone but Felix, and even then he gets a little jealous.

"I agree with Hyunjin. I think it would be hot." He sounded so shy when he spoke, as if he thought he was going to hurt my feelings. Seungmin and I shared a look again before he sighed, raising his hand. Now everyone's eyes landed on me, making me go red. Do I raise my hand? I don't want someone touching my daddy...I don't think...But I gave in, raising my hand nevertheless.

"So, it's settled. Dirty truth or dare. I think if there's any rules, it should be no penetration." Everyone agreed on that one, definitely only wanting to share to a limit. This is going to be interesting...

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