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Before any of us could react, the sounds of gunshots could be heard, screams following shortly after. Looking out the front door, I notice all of the police officers and first responders running for cover, some falling to the ground once shot. Who's outside? Does he have backup? Is he outside?

The next thing I know, the officer next to me falls back as another shot is heard, but this one is closer. Too close.

We all turn around and that's when we see him. He's standing by the staircase, the gun he just fired held firmly in his hand. Officer Jeong gasps from the sound and the feeling of his friend falling beside him.

Raein begins to look around, his eyes landing on Jeongin. "Hi, Kitten. Master's here to take you home." "No." Raein cocked his eyebrow, lowering his weapon as he questioned, "Excuse me?" "I said no."

The latter started advancing towards Jeongin, and out of instinct, Felix jumped up to protect his best friend. Without hesitation, Raein pointed his weapon towards the boy and fired his next shot. The bullet hit Felix in the waist, causing him to fall back. Everyone screamed for the boy, but nobody could move as Raein had proved that he could, and will, kill all of us.

Raein stopped in front of the younger, who seemed calm as ever, before speaking through gritted teeth, "I don't remember asking." Jeongin stood up, catching Raein slightly off guard as he stepped back.

Jeongin chuckled, "I'm not going anywhere with you. I'm not yours, you sick fucking bastard." "Well..." Raein started, waving the gun around in a teasing manner. "I guess if you don't want to come with me, I'll just have to kill you and all of your friends." "Why? If you can't have me then nobody can have me?" Jeongin questioned in a mocking tone, getting awfully close to Raein. "Jeongin, calm down." Seungmin mumbled, looking around the room panicked.

"You're mine. So, yes. If I can't have you, then nobody else can. Especially," Raein paused, pointing his gun directly at me. "Him." He cocked his gun, a sly grin playing at his lips. "You're supposed to be dead, anyway."

"So it was you." "Well, yes. But no. I didn't do it. But I have friends." Raein locked eyes with Jeongin, a soft expression on his face. A complete one-eighty from thirty seconds ago. "Kitten, you don't need him. You have me, remember? I was just trying to help you see that."

"I don't have you, I never did. You fucking broke me. You hurt me. But now, I've got people around me that actually care about me and my well being. Unlike you. All you ever wanted to do was treat me like an animal only worthy of being beat." "You needed discipline."

"For what?!" Jeongin shouted, catching everyone off guard. I've never heard him...angry..."I was so good to you. I did everything you wanted, even when I didn't want to."

Raein seemed to think for a second, a sad expression becoming evident on his face. But that only lasted about four seconds before the psycho returned back to his eyes.

"I'm sorry you saw it that way. But all I ever did was love you. I still love you. You're my Kitten." Jeongin shook his head, taking a step back until he was standing beside Minho and Jisung. Raein watched his every move as if he were prey, which I guess in his eyes, he is.

"Don't hurt my family. They don't deserve this." I don't like where he's going with this. Jeongin kept backing up until he was inches from the front door. Raein took a step forward, but Jeongin stopped him by speaking. "If you really want me to go with you, I will. Just...don't hurt them."

Raein seemed to ponder on the proposition for a second before nodding. "You'll go with me?" Jeongin nodded, glancing towards me before his attention was back on the psycho in the center of the room. "You'll be my Kitten again?" Jeongin gulped before responding weakly, "Anything for you, Master."

It broke my heart to hear him say those words, but I know he was only saying them to try and deescalate the situation. He didn't mean them, but he wanted Raein to believe he did.

Raein smiled, slowly walking towards Jeongin as if he were in a trance. As he walked, he dropped his gun onto the ground, the weapon making a loud thud as it made contact with the hardwood flooring. My poor floors...

We all eyed the gun but everyone was too scared to move in the moment. Once Raein reached the younger, Jeongin took Raein's hand in his and smiled weakly. "Let's go home, yeah?" Raein nodded, starting to walk out the door with the younger.

Jisung slowly crawled towards the gun, trying his best to not make a sound and alert the psychopath. As Jisung lifted the weapon to aim it at Raein, he turned around.

Raein became visibly angry, pulling Jeongin in front of him and holding him tight against his body. "Shoot me. I dare you." Jisung gulped, knowing he wasn't a good shot. None of us were.

"I thought you were being serious. I thought you still...still loved me. But you were lying." Jeongin rolled his eyes, "Who could love a broken person like you?"

Raein seemed enraged at the younger's words, and shocked everyone by pulling out a knife he had hid somewhere on him. Everyone gasped, Jisung trying to build up the courage to just take a shot. If he misses, he could harm Jeongin. But as long as he doesn't kill him, right?

Before anyone could react, Raein had shoved the knife into Jeongin's back, the younger crying out in pain. "Jeongin!" Jumping from my spot, I immediately ran to the falling boy, catching him in my arms as Raein ran out the door.

Minho took the gun from Jisung and ran, following the man outside. I could hear Minho unloading the gun in the background but I was too engrossed in my precious little boy who was currently bleeding out. "Baby? Baby stay with me, okay?" Jeongin nodded weakly, his eyes starting to flutter closed. "No. Hey, stay with me. You can't leave us."

Everything was in slow motion as someone came to my side, requesting to help. I glanced up to see a first responder, so I'm guess they all scattered and weren't all killed.

"Please, we need to get him to the hospital." Hyunjin and Seungmin pulled me off of the little boy, telling me that we would follow them to the hospital.

I looked over to see Felix being lifted onto a cart, Changbin by his side as he spoke to the weak boy. I watched as they lifted my boyfriend onto a cart, putting an oxygen mask onto his face before wheeling him off and calling into the hospital.

"Hyung, come on. We'll follow them to the hospital. Everything's going to be okay, I promise." I nodded slowly, looking around as we walked out of the house.

Officer Jeong was being placed into a body bag, his fellow officer being placed into another. As we exited the house, I saw a few bodies in body bags waiting to be escorted to the morgue. One of the bodies being inspected was that of Raein. Minho must be a good shot after all.

"He's crashing." I could hear one of the medics calling as they closed the doors to Jeongin's cab, driving off quickly. "Please..."

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