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I woke up to an empty bed and I immediately began to panic. I searched the whole house and could not find Jeongin. He wasn't in the living room, he wasn't in the kitchen, he wasn't in his office, and he wasn't outside.

I decided to check our special room, just in case, before calling Felix. I didn't want him to freak out if there was no need. Even though I was freaking out, I knew Felix would flip shit.

And sure enough, Jeongin was in there. My heart melted as I saw the little boy curled up on the fluffy bed in the corner of the room, his black tail wrapped under his legs, his matching ears resting against the material of the bed underneath him.

He was curled into a ball, fast asleep, with Oliver tucked under his arm. I don't know if I've ever seen him lay in this bed...Have I?

I was about to leave the room and let the younger sleep some more when he slowly opened his eyes. They trailed upwards towards me, and once our eyes met, he smiled softly.

Jeongin sat up and stretched, his ass being raised into the air as his hands were balled into fists and being pushed away from him. He let out a whine as he stretched, which was honestly super cute. He was only wearing a cropped pink sweater and white panties, not really leaving much to the imagination.

I walked towards the younger, sitting down in front of his bed. "Did you sleep well, Baby?" He tilted his head, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Mew?" "Ah, yes. I'm sorry. Did you sleep well, Kitten?" Smiling, he nodded his head as he moved to straddle my waist. He rubbed his face against mine, causing me to giggle at his actions. He seems very cuddly in this headspace, even more-so than usual.

"Is Kitten hungry?" He nodded, wrapping his arms around my neck. "Okay, let's go eat." Picking the younger up, I began heading downstairs, wondering what he'd like to eat in this headspace. Does he want to eat just his regular pbandj squares?

I sat the little boy down on the counter, his legs swinging as he watched me intently. "What would you like to eat, Kitten?" He pointed towards the cereal boxes, making me smile softly at how cute he is. He seems to be nonverbal and it's honestly really adorable just watching him communicate without words.

I poured him and myself a bowl of cereal, handing him his before sitting at the bar with him. "How long were you in your bed?" He thought for a second before holding up two fingers, "Two hours?" The younger nodded before he began eating his cereal.

We ate in silence for a bit before Jeongin finished eating. He must have been really hungry. Jumping off the counter, Jeongin skipped out of the room and back up the stairs. I furrowed my brows together, wondering why he ran off so suddenly.

Finishing my cereal, I placed the dishes into the dishwasher before heading upstairs. I found the younger in the special room again, but I was not expecting to find him sitting on the bed wearing only his white panties and black tail.

He was sat on his knees, almost as if he were waiting patiently for me. I approached the eager little boy, watching as his eyes lit up the closer I got. "Were you waiting for Daddy?" He nodded, smiling brightly as he sat up, wrapping his arms around my neck. He played with my hair as I looked over his figure. God, he's so beautiful.

"Is my little Kitten eager for attention?" He nodded again, letting out a soft whine. Looking over his features one more time, I bit my lip thinking about what we could possibly do. I decided to see if he had any special ideas in mind, wanting to please him as best as I could.

"Is there something special Kitten would like Daddy to do?" He thought for a second before his cheeks dusted with pink and he nodded. "Do you wanna show Daddy?" Thinking for another second, Jeongin slowly laid down, rolling over shortly after. He lifted his ass into the air before shaking it softly, his tail swaying back and forth in a teasing manner. "You want Daddy to touch you like this?" He nodded, his bottom lip being taken between his teeth as his eyes glistened with lust.

Getting off the bed, I slowly began to rid myself of the clothes I was wearing. Jeongin eyed every movement with anticipation, only causing my confidence to grow.

I crawled onto the bed, running my hands over Jeongin's ass, feeling the fabric of his panties. "I'm gonna have to remove your tail for a bit, okay, Kitten?" He whined but nodded nonetheless. I so wish I didn't have to because I would love to watch it sway while I fuck him.

I eased the plug out of his ass, resting it on the nightstand on some tissues, before pulling his panties down. As I went to go grab the lube to stretch him, Jeongin whined and held onto my wrist, pouting as he shook his head.

"Kitten, I need to stretch you so it doesn't hurt as much." He continued to pout and shake his head so I finally caved and said alright. "Do you want Daddy to still use lube or-" Jeongin shook his head, shaking his ass. "Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you."

Taking my place behind the younger once again, I spit on my hand, trying to at least get some kind of lube on my dick before entering the boy. I wonder why he wants to go so rough?

Positioning myself at his entrance, I glanced down to make sure he was ready, to which he only nodded. I began to ease myself inside of him, groaning at the tightness and pleasure. "Fuck, Kitten. You're so tight."

Jeongin whined, his grip on the sheets only tightening the further I pushed in. Once I bottomed out, I stayed still in order to let Jeongin adjust to my size. I don't want to hurt the poor little boy.

Jeongin whimpered softly, pushing back against me. "Kitten, I don't want to hurt you. We're already pushing it going raw." He whined, trying his best to fuck himself against me, but I held onto his hips, stilling his movements.

"Kitten, I'm not going to say it again." He huffed in response and it made me so upset for some reason. He's being so bratty. "Do you really want me to fuck you raw, rough, and without any prep? Just go at it? Is that what you really want? Because you won't be able to walk for a couple days, I hope you know that."

Jeongin nodded, his eyes filling with lust and anticipation with every word. "Okay, if that's what you want." Without warning, I pulled out before slamming back inside, establishing a fast and rough pace right off the bat.

Jeongin let out loud and lewd moans, his fists holding onto the sheets for dear life. The collar around his neck was bouncing with the pace, the little bell dinging along. Such a beautiful sound. Jeongin reached up to hold onto the bell, trying to silence it, even though we're the only ones in the house.

I pulled both of his arms behind his back, holding them with one hand as the other held onto his waist. "I like that sound, don't try to stop it." The younger whined, only nodding in response as his mouth fell open.

I finally found that special spot within the little boy as he moaned loudly, his back arching. I tried my best to hit his prostate continuously, wanting to break the boy beneath me. Without warning, Jeongin came, his cum shooting onto the sheets and some onto his chest.

But I continued thrusting, trying to reach my high. The younger only whined at the overstimulation. Wrapping my arm around his waist, I stood him up so his back was against my chest.

I began to kiss his neck, making him moan. His head fell back onto my shoulder as he whimpered, "I'm gonna cum again." "Cum for Daddy, Kitten."

As he came for the second time, the feeling of him tightening around me sent me over the edge as I released inside of him. Jeongin whined at the feeling, his breathing uneven as he held onto my wrists to try and stable himself. I continued to ride out our highs before I began to pull out.

Jeongin stopped me, "I don't wanna be empty." "We can put your tail back in?" He nodded, clearly fucked out. Laying him back down, I slowly pulled out before reaching over to grab his tail.

I pushed the cum that had began to spill out back inside of him with my fingers, making the younger moan softly at the feeling. Easing the plug back into him, I pulled his panties back up to secure his tail inside of him.

I went to pull my boxers back on before scooping the younger up and walking towards our bedroom. I placed both of us under the covers, holding the younger close to me as he sighed in content. "Daddy?" "Yes, Baby?" "Can you carry me to my office later so I can do my school work?" I chuckled, nodding my head, "Of course I will, Baby Boy."

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