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The second day of classes wasn't nearly as bad as the first. But I feel like it's mostly because these classes don't have horribly rude girls in them. I only have two classes on Tuesday and Thursday, versus the three on Monday and Wednesday. I get to leave around 10:30 instead of noon and I really like that. It means more time with Chan.

After last night, it's a little difficult to walk, but I'm doing an okay job of it so far. I decided to wear my black skinny jeans and a long sleeve pastel sweater to cover all of the bruises from the rope. The collar was still secured around my throat, and honestly, I still adore it. I've gotten a few strange looks because of it but I don't really mind. Maybe it is like Chan said, maybe they're just jealous.

As I was leaving the building to go wait on Chan, Felix ran up to me, screaming. "Jeongin! Jeongin!" "Felix! Felix!" I mocked, resulting in the latter smacking my arm. "What is it, Lix?" "I just wanted to know how last night went." He winked at me, causing my cheeks to flare up at the memories of last night.

"It went...very well." With that, I turned on my heel and started to walk away, but not before Felix could grab my arm and pull me back. "Oh, no, I need the details." I whined, "Not here, Lix." He pouted but nodded, shrugging as he realized the hallway of our college campus probably wasn't the best place for sexual gossip. "Later, then. Promise?" I giggled at my best friend as I began to walk backward. "Promise."

"Hi, Baby. Did you have a good day?" Chan kissed my cheek as I got into his car, smiling like a proud father. "It was pretty chill. I like these classes better."

"I'm glad. Hey, your parents called earlier. They-" "My parents called you?" I questioned, almost hurt they called him instead of me. Maybe they didn't want to interupt class, but, still. Ouch. "Yeah? You sound so offended. I'm your boyfriend, they're my soon to be parent-in-laws, why wouldn't they call me?" Did he...parent-in-laws?

"Anyway, they called earlier. They want us over for dinner tonight. Said they have something to talk to you about." I could only nod in response, still getting over the fact that he said 'parent-in-laws.'

Once we got home, I went straight to my office to start on the homework that I've already accumulated. It wasn't a lot but I wanted to get a head start and try my best to not fall behind. I started with the work for my English class, taking notes on the chapters assigned to us.

As I was about to finish my note taking, Chan knocked on the door very softly. "Come in!" I shouted, continuing with my work. I could hear Chan enter before feeling his arms wrap around my neck. Resting his chin on the top of my head, he questioned, "How's it going, Baby Boy?" "I forgot how boring school is." I giggled, earning a chuckle from Chan.

"Well, it's about time we get ready for dinner with your parents." What? Looking at my phone, I was shocked to see it was already half past three. "I've been taking notes for four hours?" I questioned, shocked and upset because I was only half way through all of my work. "I'm sorry, Baby. You can do more when we get back?" I sighed, nodding. My parents want to talk to me so I have to go. I wonder what it's about, though.


"I'm sorry, what?" I looked between both of my parents in disbelief. "You can't move. Why would you want to move? This is home." My mom sighed, taking my hand in her from across the dinner table. "Sweetie, we just think it's best for our jobs. We both have to travel so much, and it's becoming a hassle. We work mostly in that area, so we feel it would be best for our jobs."

I pouted, understanding where she's coming from, but still slightly upset that my parents are moving so far away.

"It's not even that far, Jeongin. We'll still be able to visit and see each other, it's not like we're moving to another country or anything. It's just a few hours away." Nodding, I accepted what my father said, agreeing that it probably isn't as bad as it seems.

We finished eating our dinner, Chan going to help my mother with the dishes. My dad looked at me, smiling softly. "We're going to keep the house, so it's not like we can't ever move back." "So you're gonna have two houses?" He hummed, "We couldn't just sell our home. This has been our home for over twenty years. You can't just part with that so easily." I nodded, happy they weren't selling the house.

"Are you ready to go, Baby?" I nodded, smiling at my boyfriend. "Bye, mom. Bye, dad." "Goodbye, sweetie." They both spoke in unison as they engulfed me in a warm hug. Chan and I bid our goodbyes before heading home. I think I'll just do the work for tomorrow and not even stress about the work for Thursday until tomorrow night. Priorities.

"Baby Boy?" "Hm?" I turned towards Chan who had his eyes glued to the road. "Would you like to go out for some dessert? Maybe ice cream?" "Sure, Daddy." He smiled, making my heart flutter at the sight of his dimple.

He still kills me with his cute little features. The way his dimples show whenever he smiles. The way his eyes shine with love and adoration whenever he looks at me. The way his hand feels in mine, like we were meant for each other. I love how his voice is so sweet whenever he speaks, how it just radiates joy. He radiates joy.

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