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Chan and I were getting ready to go meet BamBam for lunch. Apparently we're going to some fancy restaurant? Why, I have no idea. Maybe Chan and BamBam have a thing for each other and I'll be third-wheeling. I just think it's so weird to meet an old friend for lunch at a super high end restaurant. It's probably not as high end as I think it is, but I definitely wouldn't choose it for lunch. Maybe a fancy anniversary dinner, but not lunch. But, this is his friend. If his friend wants to eat there, we're gonna eat there.

"Baby," Chan started as he walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. We made eye contact through the mirror I was currently standing in front of, trying my best to button up this shirt. I don't usually wear shirts like these, so my coordination isn't its best when it comes to these things. "Thank you for agreeing to go to lunch with me." I could only nod in response, still not wanting to go. I'm only going for Chan. And the food. Chan said there's really good food and I am always down for really good food.

"Baby Boy." Chan whined, spinning me around so that I was now facing him, his hands on my shoulders as he gazed into my eyes, his holding a sad expression. "Can you stop being upset with me? Please?" "I guess." I mumbled, turning back around to finish buttoning up my shirt. You know, I don't like the look of this. The whole buttoned up shirt look does not suit me. I prefer my sweaters and oversized t-shirts.

Chan spun me around once more, this time pushing me against the wall, trapping me with his hands on either side of my head. The look in his eyes was pure anger mixed with pain. Did I actually hurt him being upset? I wasn't even that upset...Did I take it too far?

"Why are you being such a brat? You're ignoring me, giving me short answers, you won't even look at me. What did I do to upset you so badly that you're behaving this way?" "You made me uncomfortable...yesterday. For the first time, I didn't feel safe around you. You ripped me of my safe space by forcing me to be introduced to a stranger in a public space. When you know I can't handle things like that..." Chan's expression went from anger to regret. "Baby, you know I-" "I don't care...to be honest. If you're going to apologize, I don't want to hear it if we're being honest. I know you probably feel bad now, and that's fine. But for right now, I'd like to be upset."
Chan didn't say anything, he just nodded, stepped back, and hung his head as he left the room. I feel horrible but I am upset. Not as upset as I seem but I am upset. He did make me uncomfortable, even though unintentionally. I want to be able to be upset with him until I get over it.

Sighing, I walked out of our room and headed towards the front door. Chan must already be in the car and I don't want to keep him long, so I quickly put on my shoes before leaving the house, locking the door behind me. As I approached the car, I noticed Chan wipe his eyes with the sleeves of his jacket. The sight broke my heart. I don't know if I've ever actually seen him cry...Did I do that?

I walked over to the driver's side of the car, opening the door and climbing in. Chan seemed confused as I straddled his waist, gazing into his eyes. "Daddy..." I looked down at my lap, sighing softly, mostly to myself. "I'm sorry. I was kind of mean and I didn't mean to hurt you." "Baby Boy, don't apologize. I'm the one who hurt you. I should have remembered and respected your boundaries but I didn't and I need to be the one apologizing. Not you." Chan took my hands in his, placing a soft kiss to each. "I'm so sorry, Baby. I won't be so careless again and put you in that position of feeling uncomfortable and unsafe. I'm your Daddy, I'm supposed to ensure you're always safe and comfortable. I let you down. And I am deeply sorry. I hope you can forgive me."

I smiled softly, nodding my head. "I forgive you, Daddy." I hugged him, hearing him sigh into the hug as he wrapped his arms around me, holding me tightly. "We probably shouldn't go to dinner." Pulling back, Chan looked at me confused before he continued his train of thought. "I mean, since you were uncomfortable and I forced you into this situation and-" "But food." Chan stared at me for a couple seconds before chuckling. "You just want to go for the food?" "I mean for you, too, of course." "Oh, yeah? I'm sure." He chuckled once more before placing a kiss onto my nose. "Come on, hop over into the passenger seat so we can get you some food."

"Chris!" BamBam waved us over to the table he was sat at, the waiter meeting us there with some more menus. "Hi, Jeongin!" The man smiled warmly at me, clearly trying his best. I smiled in return, waving slightly. "Hi."

We all looked over the menus, but I knew what I wanted within the first fifteen seconds. The waiter approached us, smiling at all of us before questioning if we were ready to order. We all nodded, BamBam going first. He ordered the Coffee Rub New York strip, which honestly sounded amazing. The waiter looked at Chan, waiting for his order. "I would like the Braised Lamb steak and," he looked over at me, gesturing towards the menu. I pointed at the braised lamb steak, causing him to smile. "He would like the same, please." The waiter nodded, taking our menus and leaving to go place our orders.

BamBam looked between the two of us, confusion written on his face, but he didn't say anything. We all talked as we waited for the food to arrive, BamBam and I getting to know each other a bit better. I still wasn't super keen on him but he was growing on me. He's really nice. Maybe I just had a bad first experience with him. Which isn't his fault, and I should try harder to give him a chance.

The waiter came back around, asking BamBam if he could refill his wine, to which the older agreed. Chan requested a refill on mine and his waters, to which the waiter obliged, pouring us another glass. "Chris, why aren't you drinking some wine with me?" BamBam chuckled, taking a sip out of his glass. "I don't really drink. Plus, I'm driving." "Can't Jeongin here drive? Come on, I haven't seen you in ages and you won't even have a drink with me?"

I hung my head in embarrassment, shy about the fact that I never learned how to drive. I just never saw the need to. I have my bike, and if I can't walk there, I don't really want to go. "I'm okay with water, BamBam. Maybe next time, yeah?" The latter nodded, taking another sip of his wine as he looked at me with accusing eyes. This is going to be a long dinner.

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