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"Is Jeongin okay?" "What do you mean 'is he okay?' Did something happen to Jeongin?" Hyunjin sounded worried, butting into the conversation between Jisung and I. "Minho punished poor little Jeongin yesterday." "Oh my god. Is he okay?"

I sighed, turning away from my laptop. "Yes, Jeongin is okay. He can't sit down but other than that he's okay." "Why can't he sit down?" Both Jisung and I looked at Hyunjin, the realization slowly hitting him. "Oh my gosh."

I don't blame Hyunjin for not really getting it. Him and Seungmin are about as vanilla as it gets. Which isn't a bad thing, but it does take him longer to realize what Ji and I are talking about sometimes. Like now.

"Why was Minho the one to punish him? I thought you didn't believe in punishments, Hyung?" "I don't. If he gets any kind of punishment it's a couple spankings. But he threw food, that Minho made him yesterday, across the table and I just couldn't let him get away with that. That's so disrespectful to Min. And since he's the one who was watching over him, he's the one who punished him."

"Poor Jeongin. Jisung tells me he's brutal." "He was." Turning back around to my laptop, I tried to get back to work but was interrupted again by Jisung.

"I thought you were protective over Jeongin?" I sighed once more, closing my laptop after saving my progress. "I am. It was a one time thing." Hyunjin grinned, "You enjoyed it, didn't you?" "Maybe. But that doesn't change the fact that it's not happening again." They both just nodded, sly smirks on their faces. "Whatever." I mumbled, placing my laptop into my bag.

"Hey, where are you going?" "I'm going home. You two can gossip about sex all you want, I'll call you when I'm finished." As I left the house, I could hear them laughing as they continued talking. Shaking my head, I smiled to myself.

I love my friends to death but sometimes they are the worst coworkers. I decided to text Minho that I was coming home early before heading that way.

Upon entering the house, I found Minho taking a nap on the couch as Brave played on the tv. Wandering the house, I found Jeongin and Berry cuddling on the bed together, soft snores coming from both of them.

Deciding to not bother any of the sleeping boys, I went into Jeongin's office and began to work at his desk. I didn't have a whole lot to do, so it didn't take long until I was calling Hyunjin.

"Hello?" "Hey, Hyune. I'm finished. I'm going to give it to Minho later and then we're set." "That's good! I'm so excited. I think this is going to be our best piece yet." I could hear Jisung agree in the background, causing me to chuckle.

"We'll see, let's not get our hopes up." They both agreed before I heard Jisung take the phone from Hyunjin. "If you're already finished, where is my boyfriend? He hasn't come to pick me up yet." "He's asleep on my couch. I can go wake him up if you want." "Don't you dare." "Okay okay. I'll send him home once he wakes up." "Okay. Bye, Hyung!" "Bye, guys."

After hanging up the phone, I decided that I would enjoy a nap as well. Heading towards our bedroom, I tiptoed towards the bed, trying to crawl in behind Jeongin as quietly as possible.

But I was unsuccessful as the small boy stirred in his sleep, turning around to face me. "Hi, Daddy." "Hi, Baby. Go back to sleep." He nodded, nuzzling his face into my chest. Berry repositioned himself so he was laying behind Jeongin's legs, making me smile at the two.

"Daddy?" Jeongin mumbled, sounding like he was half asleep. "Yes, Baby Boy?" "Innie good boy?" "Innie best boy." He smiled softly before drifting back off to sleep. I pushed some hairs away from his forehead before placing a kiss to the area.

Minho slowly stood in the doorway, smiling softly at the both of us. "Hey, Hyung." "Hey, Min. Did you rest good?" He nodded, "I did. I'm sorry for falling asleep." "No worries. Ji wants you to go pick him up, though."

He chuckled softly, not wanting to wake the little boy. "Have a good night, Hyung." "You too, Min. Thank you, again, for watching him." "Anytime." With that, Minho left, leaving Jeongin, Berry, and I alone in the house. Closing my eyes, I sighed to myself before drifting off to sleep.


"Daddy?" I slowly opened my eyes at the sound of my name, revealing a pouty little boy. "What's wrong, Baby?" I sat up to face the younger, rubbing my eyes as I looked around the dark room. It must be night time. How long were we asleep?

"There was a creepy man outside." What? My head shot up at the mention, panic rising inside of me. "What do you mean, Baby? Where? When?"

He fiddled with his fingers as he responded, "I went to take Berry for a potty outside, cause he needed to go, and when I went to the back door, I noticed a creepy man standing outside." Looking around, I notice Berry at the foot of the bed, sleeping soundly.

"You didn't go outside, did you?" Jeongin shook his head, "Scary." I got up from the bed, grabbing my phone to call Felix. "You stay here, Baby, okay?" "But-" "I do not want you moving from that mattress, do you understand me?" Jeongin nodded, looking down at his lap.

As I exited the room, I kept all of the lights off as I dialed Felix. "Hello?" A groggy Felix answered the phone and I felt almost bad for waking him. "Jeongin said he saw someone standing in our backyard." "What? Are they still there?"

"I'm not sure, I'm going to go check now." I could hear rustling sounds before Felix's voice sounded again. "I'm gonna have mom call the police, okay?" "Okay."

I tip toed to the living room, trying my best to peak out towards the back door without alerting whoever was outside that I was there. And sure enough, there was a tall figure walking around the backyard, peering into the house. "Felix." "Are they still there?"

"They look like they're inspecting the place." "The police said they're on their way." I nodded, even though I knew he couldn't see me.

The next thing I knew, they had walked out of sight. "Fuck." "What?" "I can't see them anymore." "Shit. Don't go towards the window." I decided to listen to what Felix said and retreated back upstairs, hoping that the police were right around the corner.

My top priority right now is to make sure Jeongin is safe and alright. I quietly ascended up the stairs once more, tip toeing to our bedroom. Seeing Jeongin on the bed caused me to sigh in relief. "Felix, can you stay on the phone until the po-" I was interrupted as a knocking was heard on the front door. A chilling, slow and loud knocking.

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