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I woke up to mine and Jeongin's phones ringing, the two sounds combined being very annoying. Groaning, I rolled over to check who it was, reading 'Minho' on the screen while Jeongin said Hyunjin was calling him.

"I don't want to answer. I want to stay in bed." Jeongin giggled, cuddling up to me. "Let's ignore them and just stay in bed all day." I nodded, liking the idea as the phones silenced.

But the silence only last about three seconds as there was now knocking on the front door. "This better be important." I got out of bed and headed downstairs, Jeongin following suit with his stuffed bear, who I've learned is named Oliver, tucked under his arm.

As I swung the front door open, Minho, Jisung, and Hyunjin all jumped up and screamed, "Hi, Hyung!" "Hi, guys. What brings you here so early?" "We just wanted to come see you, see how you're doing."

Jisung looked behind me, squealing, "Jeongin you look so cute!" The younger pushed past me, squishing Jeongin's cheeks. Looking back at Minho, he just shrugged, "They're really close." As I let Minho and Hyunjin inside, he added, "Actually, Jisung and Hyunjin are really close with Jeongin now. They all developed a super strong friendship after you introduced us to Jeongin."

I nodded, wondering when this chain of events happened as we all took our spots in the living room. Minho on one end with Jisung sitting between his legs, Hyunjin beside the couple while Jeongin sat on my lap on the other end of the couch.

"How are things coming along, Hyung? Do you remember anything?" "Bits and pieces. Some things will trigger a short memory but I haven't gained a lot." I sighed, playing with the hem of Jeongin's sweater out of nerves.

I think Jeongin could sense how stressed I was because he took my hand in his, holding it close to him while his other hand played with Oliver's fur.

"I'm sure it'll take a while but you'll get everything back." Hyunjin assured, smiling brightly. "I hope so." "Well," Minho started, "We were wondering if you'd like to come to Hyunjin's sometime and listen to our music. We've gotten a pretty good following now, too."

We have music? Last I remember, I was throwing ideas around with Jisung, but it was just a dream.

"We...We started doing music?" Everyone's eyes softened, almost showing sadness and sympathy. "We did. You, Jisung, and Hyunjin all started producing and writing shortly before you and Jeongin got together. I help with the publishing and social marketing. Really putting my degree to use."

Jisung smiled up at his boyfriend, "You're doing great, Minnie." I smiled, mostly to myself, happy that we made it. Jisung and I did what we've been talking about for years, and our friends are involved, which it makes it ten times better and meaningful.

"Hyung?" "Hm?" Hyunjin smiled softly, "You're doing really good. I just want you to know that." "Thank you, Hyune." His smile grew, his eyes sparkling with joy. "You haven't called me that name in so long." I haven't? I used to call him that all the time, it was my nickname for him after we first met. Min and Hyune were my closest friends until everyone else in my life came along. But I still hold them dearest and closest to my heart. We've always been there for each other.

After a little while of catching up, the guys decided to leave, promising to call me over one day in the near future to listen to our music. After closing the door, I turned towards the obviously very regressed little boy standing behind me. I smiled softly, "What do you want to do for the rest of the day, Baby Boy?"

He played with Oliver's ears as he bit his lip. He looks uneasy, like he wants to say something but he isn't sure if he should. "What's wrong, Baby?" Finally meeting my eyes, he mumbled, "Innie no feel good."

"What kind of no feel good? Do you feel sick?" He nodded, and as I felt his forehead, he was really warm. "Oh, Baby, I think you have a fever. Do you need to-"

I was interrupted by Jeongin running off and before too long I could hear him throwing up in the bathroom. Running after him, I rubbed his back to hopefully reduce the stress. He finally stopped, tears streaming down his face. "Shh, Baby, it's okay. You probably just have a bug."

He nodded, his sobs continuing as he hugged Oliver close to his chest. My heart broke seeing the little boy so sick and in pain. "Come on, Baby. Let's get you to bed." I picked up the younger, carrying him to our bedroom.

I tucked him under the covers before questioning, "Do you need anything, Baby Boy? Daddy's gonna go get you basket in case you need to be sick again, but do you want anything else?" "Can I have some water, please?" I nodded, placing a kiss to his forehead before going to get a bin and some water.

After coming back to the room, I set the bin beside the bed and the water on the nightstand, letting Jeongin know I would fill it up whenever he needs me to. I crawled under the covers, pulling the younger close to me.

"Daddy, you're gonna get sick if you cuddle me." Shrugging, I snuggled up against him, sighing in content once comfortable. "If I get sick, I get sick. You still need cuddles regardless." "But-" "How are you going to get better without, cuddles, Baby? You won't. This is crucial to the recovery process." He giggled, "Okay, Daddy."

Jeongin snuggled closer to me, resting his head against my chest as my chin rested against the top of his head. My arms were wrapped around his torso, his arms wrapped around Oliver. Our legs were intertwined, and I've never felt more comfortable. "Daddy?" "Yes, Baby Boy?" "I love you." I smiled, mostly to myself. "I love you, Baby."

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