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"Seungmin, it's your turn." He looked around, before his eyes landed on Minho. "Minho-Hyung." The older looked at him, awaiting the question, "Truth or Dare." "Truth." Playing it safe. I like that. "Would you let someone sleep with Jisung?" Minho glanced at Jisung before answering, "Only if Jisung wanted to." A good answer, but also a true answer. I feel like if Jisung wanted to have a threesome or sleep with someone while Minho was there, Minho would let him. He'd do anything for Jisung.

It was now Minho's turn, but he didn't even look around the group to decide, he just landed his eyes on me. "Jeongin." "Minho." Chan warned, giving him a look. Minho just held up his hand, questioning, "Truth or Dare." I looked between him and Chan, who looked kind of concerned. Does he know something that I don't? Deciding to get down to why Chan was so worried, I chose my fate by deciding, "Dare."

"Baby, you don't have t-" "Yes, he does. It's the game." Minho grinned, a mischievous look in his eyes. "What's happening..." Jisung whispered, leaning closer to me. I shrugged, still looking between Minho and Chan. "Is your boyfriend coming onto me?" I whispered, making Jisung and I both laugh at my question. "You're leaving me out." Felix pouted from across the circle. "We'll tell you later." Jisung assured, making Felix nod happily.

"Is anybody else wondering what Minho is going to ask or..." Changbin questioned, looking around at everybody, to which we all nodded. I turned to look at Minho, who was already looking at me. Seriously...is he coming onto me...

"Jeongin." Minho began, causing everyone to look at him with curious eyes and open ears, awaiting his dare. I glanced at Chan who still looked very concerned. Minho glanced at Chan before stating, "I dare you to-" There was a sound of a phone going off inside and I soon realized it was mine. "Sorry, it's probably my parents. Be right back!"

Running inside, I quickly found my phone on the kitchen counter and answered it. "Hello?" "Jeongin, sweetie." Mom. "Hi, mom. What's up?" "Well," she started, sounding a little nervous. "I think you should come to dinner tomorrow. Your father and I want to talk with you about something." "Okay...Is it bad?" "No, no of course not, sweetheart. We just want to have a talk with you in person, it's easier. Tomorrow night?" "I'll be there." I smiled, even though I knew she couldn't see me. "Okay, sweetie. Have a good night." "You too, mom." Hanging up the phone, I ran back outside to find that the guys had continued the game. Thank God. I was so nervous about what Minho was gonna dare me to do. Chan's told me that not only can Minho be cold, he has a tendency to push people to their limits.

The game continued for a little while more before we realized that it was now nearing two in the morning. "Baby, we've got to go. I have to be up in three hours." Minho sighed, fatigue taking over his body. Jisung just nodded before turning to smile at me. "Thank you for letting us join." "Anytime, Ji." They both bid everyone goodnight before leaving. Everyone else decided that they were going to sleep over since they didn't have anywhere to be in the next few hours.

"Let's have our sleepover outside." Felix suggested, Hyunjin and I agreeing instantly. I turned towards Chan who just held up his hand before agreeing, "We can have a sleepover outside. But the first person who screams because of a bug is going inside." Felix, Hyunjin, and I cheered before running inside and grabbing everything we could think of for an outside slumber party.

"Jeongin?" Felix questioned while the three of us grabbed all of the sleeping bags. "Yes, Lixie?" "You know Minho was just being an ass, right?" I nodded, smiling softly. "He was gonna dare you to lick the bottom of Hyunjin's foot." I looked at Hyunjin, my eyes wide with shock. "Ewww. Why?" "To get a rise out of everyone." What a dick...But I mean he was dragged into the game so I get it but like, still. What a dick.

We all took the sleeping bags outside, pawning them off to Chan, Changbin, and Seungmin before running back inside for drinks, snacks, and entertainment. We decided to just watch movies on our phones since we haven't set up the outdoor projector to watch movies and shows outside. Honestly, half of us will be asleep within the hour.

The three of us walked outside, taking notice of how our boyfriends already had the sleeping bags laid out across the yard and were sprawled out, talking amongst themselves. Seungmin looked up at us, smiling once his eyes landed on his boyfriend. He patted the space next to him to which Hyunjin happily plopped down, immediately cuddling up to the latter. Felix took his spot next to Changbin while I cuddled up with Chan.

Chan placed a kiss to the top of my head before questioning, "Are you sleepy, Baby Boy?" I shook my head, smiling softly. "No. Are you?" He shook his head as well, kissing the top of my head once more. "Just let me know when you get tired and we'll all go to bed, okay Baby?" "Okay, Daddy."

"So," Seungmin started, looking at Chan and I. "You guys have three bedrooms. Jeongin mentioned you guys are turning one of the rooms into his school work space, what about the third room?" I looked at Chan, wondering if he was finally going to tell me what the room was going to be since someone else asked.

But he only smiled and said, "Just a special surprise." Everyone looked at each other, wondering what he meant. Hyunjin crawled over to Felix, whispered something, to which Felix gasped. "No, he couldn't be."

I quickly got up and ran over to the two, cuddling with Felix, before questioning, "Couldn't be what?" Felix glanced at Chan, noticing how his older brother was staring at him with a puzzled expression. "What if Hyung is making a dungeon?"

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