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"What to wear." I mumbled to myself as I sifted through the many clothes in my closet. "What about this?" Felix questioned, holding up a white skirt with a pastel purple crop top. "Oooh, that's cute."

Felix came over to pick me up for our first day of college, knowing to show up early in order to help me pick out a cute first day outfit. He's proving to be a lot of help.

"You could wear your Vans an-where did you get that collar?" He gasped, leaning in to inspect the new piece of metal around my neck. "Daddy collared me." I whispered, feeling my face flush red. "Oh my gosh that's amazing. It looks so nice."

"It does, doesn't it?" Chan questioned as he walked into the room. He grinned upon seeing my red face. Glancing down at the clothes in my hand, he cooed, "Oh you're going for super cute today?" I nodded, smiling brightly.

I went into the bathroom to change since Felix was still in the room. As I was getting dressed, I couldn't help but admire my new accessory. It really is beautiful.

After getting dressed, I walked back into the bedroom, resulting in both boys whistling at my outfit. "You look so good, Baby Boy." "Keep your excitement for after school." Felix warned, coming closer to take my hand in his. "Let's get your shoes on and we'll head out, grab some coffee before class." I nodded, smiling at my best friend.

Chan walked with us towards the front door, discussing the plans for later today. "I'll be there around noon to pick you up, okay? Just text me when you're out of class and are ready to come home." I smiled, reaching up to place a soft kiss to his lips. "Okay, Daddy."

"Have a good first day guys!" Chan called as we walked out to Felix's car. "Are you excited?" Felix questioned as we got into his car. "I'm more nervous than anything, to be honest." "Why?" Shrugging, I hugged my bag to my chest. "What if people make fun of how I dress?"

Felix glanced over at me as he drove, worry written on his face. "Jeongin, nobody is going to make fun of you. You're adorable. And, if they do, tell me and I'll tear them a new one." I giggled but nodded, sighing to myself.

My hand instinctively went up to touch the new accessory that was around my neck, wondering if anyone was going to react negatively to it. "Jeongin," Felix started with a sigh as he stopped at a red light. "Please don't stress about other people. Fuck what they think. If you feel cute and comfortable, which I know you do, why does it matter what they think? You be you." Smiling, I nodded once more. "Okay, Lixie."

"Good. Now, on a serious note, does my hair look okay?" I giggled, pushing a strand of his long hair back from his forehead. "Like a fairy." "Good, good."


I took my seat in the back of the large classroom, not really wanting to be in the front of the room all morning. Other students slowly started to file into the classroom and soon the professor did as well. "Good morning, I'm Professor Lee, I'll be your English teacher this semester. I'm sure everyone received the syllabus and is ready to get started?" We all collectively agreed, resulting in Professor Lee nodding in approval.

The lecture seemed to go by pretty quickly but looked to be like a good class. I'm excited for this one. The professor seems pretty chill, cracking jokes here and there while also allowing us to speak about the lecture. I know I've heard that some professors just want to teach and leave, but he seems to actually want us to learn.

"I will see you all back here Wednesday morning with your notes from chapters one through five. Have a good day." We all bid the professor goodbye before exiting the room. As I got up to leave, some of the other students stared at me, a couple of the boys eyeing me up and down. I decided to ignore them and headed towards my next class, algebra.

As I walked through the halls, I couldn't help but notice how everyone seemed to be looking at me in one way or another. Good or bad, they were all looking at me. I began to feel very self conscious, wanting to run away and hide from their stares. But, just as I started to feel like I was going to panic, a familiar face came into view, a bright smile on their face as they saw me. Jisung.

"Hi, Jeongin! Oh my gosh, you look so cute!" "You look cute, too, Hyung." I giggled, adoring his white skinny jeans and pastel yellow crop top. "What class are you heading to?" I could see some of the students staring us down as they walked past but I started to care less and less now that Jisung was with me. "Algebra." "Oh my gosh, with Mrs. Kim?" Nodding, I smiled, knowing now that we had the same class together. "Yay! Let's go~"

As Jisung and I walked into class, a group of girls snickered while they pointed at us. "Ignore them." Jisung mumbled as we began to walk by. But, I don't think they wanted us to ignore them.

"You know skirts are for girls, right?" My cheeks flushed pink from embarrassment as everyone in the room was now looking directly at me. But Jisung stepped in front of me, smiling down at the girl who had spoke. "You know bullying is for boys right? Stick to your gossip about hand bags and lip gloss."

Taking hold of my hand, Jisung led me to the back of the class room, where we took our seats just as the professor walked in. I sighed to myself. This is not going to be a good class.

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