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I woke up in the middle of the night as I felt the bed dip, Jeongin's warmth soon returning to me. "Baby?" "Oh, hey, Daddy. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up." I smiled, even though it was dark in the room. "It's okay, Baby Boy. Is everything okay?" "Yeah, I had to potty and then Berry needed to potty."

I chuckled, pulling the younger closer to my body. Jeongin sighed as he rested his head against my chest. We laid in silence for a few minutes before I spoke up, "Are you feeling better?" "I am, maybe you were right and it was just a bug or something." I nodded, glad that he was feeling better. I hate to see him so sick and in pain.

"Daddy?" "Yes, Baby Boy?" "Do you want to talk?" I furrowed my brows together, confused as to what he means. "What do you mean, Baby? Talk about what?" "You've had this look on your face like you want to ask something." "Oh. That. I just..." I paused, turning to switch the bedside light on so that we could face each other.

As I rolled back over, Jeongin was laying on his side, his eyes meeting mine. I mirrored the younger before smiling softly. "I just have so many questions but I don't want to bother you with them." "You're not a bother, Daddy. You can ask as many questions as you want. This is our relationship, I'm not going to hide it from you." I smiled, happy to have Jeongin. He's so kind, so sweet, and so caring.

I thought for a second, wondering what my first question should be. "Can...Can I know what happened with us and your ex?" Jeongin nodded, taking a deep breath before speaking.

"His name is Raein. For some context, him and I dated for a couple years while we were in high school. He was a great boyfriend for the first couple of months, and then once I told him I was a Little, it was like a flip switched. He became very abusive, mentally and physically. He would push me around behind closed doors, he would order me around while forcing me on my hands and knees with a collar and leash around my neck. I was his object and he was going to use me however he wanted. Whether that be a punching bag or an object, he was going to use me. He did everything but have sex with me, saying he was waiting to experience that. He didn't want to rush into that because he wanted to relish in the feeling." My blood boiled at the thought of somebody thinking Jeongin was some object.

"One day, my parents were away on a business trip and Raein decided to come over. He went about his usual routine of yelling at me and pushing me around. I didn't know Felix was coming over to surprise me, but he was because it was my birthday. And when he showed up, he found what my perfect boyfriend had been doing to me. Felix got so angry that he beat the shit out of Raein. No charges were pressed against Felix because the judge saw it as self defense on my part. Raein was sent to jail and stayed for a couple years. Shortly after we got together, somebody bailed Raein out. We still don't who or how they got so much money because his bail was ridiculously high. But," Jeongin shifted in his spot, laying flat on his back now as he stared up at the ceiling.

"He started sending letters and packages to threaten me. He wanted to induce as much fear into me as possible. Hyunjin offered to let the three of us stay with him until the whole thing ended. We all agreed because we figured Raein wouldn't find us there. We were wrong. And one day, when Seungmin and Hyunjin were on their first date, Raein shot Hyunjin. He almost died." Hyunjin almost died? Oh my god...

"Hyunjin recovered, as you can see, and one day, while I was laying with him, I got a text from my dad. I thought it was my dad, at least. He wanted me to come home for a bit, and since I'd do anything for my father, I did. I snuck out while Hyunjin was sleeping and went over. It was a trap. Raein tied me up, gagged me, and called you. He wanted to taunt and tease you while he bought some time to mess with me. He decided that he wanted us to play his favorite game; hide and seek. I went to hide in the attic and after god knows how long, you came up to save me. The police apologized that he was bailed, twice, and they put him in a mental facility with no visitation rights and no bail. That was the last any of us saw or heard about him."

"Oh my god...Baby, I'm...I'm so sorry you had to go through that." He turned towards me and smiled softly, the tears brimming him glossy eyes. "It's okay, Daddy. It's over now and everyone came out safe and sound."

I nodded, too shocked to honestly say anything. "Daddy?" "Hm?" "It's okay, I promise. It's all over and we're here now. We're together, in our house, with our life. I wouldn't stress too much over it." "Okay, Baby." "Do you have any other questions right now?" I thought for a second, looking over Jeongin's features.

My eyes trailed from his beautiful chestnut eyes to his pink lips, and suddenly, all I wanted to do was kiss him. "Baby?" "Yes, Daddy?" "Can I kiss you?"

His eyes gleamed with excitement as his cheeks flushed pink. He only nodded, the both of us leaning into each other. Our lips ghosted one another, but I fought all of my nerves and pressed my lips against his. Jeongin squealed into the kiss, causing my heart to ache with how precious that was.

The kiss was soft and sweet as fireworks erupted inside of me. My hands rested on his waist and before I knew it, Jeongin was straddling me, his hands resting on my chest as the kiss became a heated makeout session.

I was so high on the feeling of Jeongin that I couldn't process how far we were seeming to go. That was until Jeongin tugged on my shirt, bringing me back to reality. Back to the fact that I promised myself I wasn't going to take advantage of my boyfriend.

Breaking the kiss, our chests rose and fell as we tried to catch our breath. "Baby, I don't...I don't think we should..." The younger only nodded, biting his lip as he laid back down beside me, staring up at the ceiling.

"Baby, I-" "I know." He turned towards me, smiling weakly, "It's okay. I understand." Jeongin cuddled up to my side, closing his eyes. "Let's just go back to bed."

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