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Chan agreed to work on our dungeon during the day time if I agreed to work on my office space and not enter the special room. The suspense was killing me but I knew the wait would be worth it. So I agreed. The desk, bookshelf, and chair I had ordered finally came in so I could finally begin to set up the room with ease. I wouldn't have to wait for things to come in anymore, I could set up and organize the room as I wanted.

I asked Felix to come over and help me assemble the furniture since Chan was occupied with the other room. Once he finally arrived, I was excited to build my desk and bookcase. "Where's Hyung?" "He's working on the other room." He only nodded as he helped me take the parts for my desk out of the box. "Are you excited about it?" "So excited. I can't wait."

Felix and I continued on assembling the desk, talking about dungeons and what we think might be inside. Felix never talks about it around others but he's secretly into BDSM, he's just too shy to mention it to anybody. I'm not even sure Changbin knows. Hell, I'm surprised that I know. But we're best friends, we tell each other everything.

"Baby, can yo- Oh hi, Felix." Chan smiled at his brother as he entered the room. "Hi, Hyung. Are you having fun?" "Lots." Chan grinned as he turned towards me, his eyes darkening as his grin turned into a mischievous smile. "Baby, can you help me for a moment?" Nodding, I followed Chan as he lead me to the forbidden room. "Daddy, I can't go in there. You aren't done yet." "I know, but I want your opinion since it's your room too. Unless you don-" "I'll help!" He grinned once more, opening the door for me to walk inside. The room was dark. Like, pitch black, can't see anything in front of your face, dark. "Just so that the room as a whole isn't spoiled, I'm just going to shine a flash light on the spot I want to ask you about, okay?" I nodded, forgetting that we were in a room swallowed by darkness. "Okay, Daddy."

A bright light was shown onto a corner of the room and what lay in said corner had my shorts becoming very tight. "So," Chan started as he approached me, resting his chin on my shoulder. His warm breath fanning onto my neck gave me chills as I stared at the contents in front of me. "I was thinking, since you've been such a good kitty, you deserved your own special corner." I gulped, thinking about the scenes that would play out in this corner of mine.

There was a peg board full of my current collars and leashes, as well as my kitty ears. I keep my tails in my box in the closet, only because I wear them so often. There was a massive cat bed sat in the corner of the room with a giant yarn-like pillow sat on top of it. A sign was above the bed that read 'Kitten's Corner.'

"What do you think?" Chan questioned softly, placing a kiss to my neck. "I'm sure we will be adding more, but as of now, how do you like it?" "I love it, Daddy." "I'm glad." He placed another kiss to my neck, resulting in a whimper escaping my throat. What a tease...

"Okay, Baby. That is all. I just wanted to know if you liked your little corner or not." With that said, Chan turned the flashlight off, engulfing us in darkness once again. I whined as he removed his head from my shoulder. I didn't know where he was and that excited me. He could be anywhere. "I forgot that my little Kitten has a sensory deprivation kink. Should I turn the flashlight back on?" I shook my head before realizing he couldn't see me. "No, Daddy. Can I leave, though..." I was already hard after seeing my new corner, imagining all of the scenes that could unfold, so the sensory deprivation wasn't helping. Now, instead of thinking of the corner, I was thinking of all of the things Chan could be doing to me right now.

My breath hitched as I felt his hands secure around my waist. "Let's get you back to your office, yeah? You have lots of work to do in there." I really didn't want to leave now that I had an...issue...but I couldn't argue against Chan. I also really wanted him to work more on our special room so I agreed. As we exited the room, I tried my best to adjust to the harsh light coming from the light fixtures.

"I'll be in here if you need me, okay?" Chan teased before placing a kiss to my lips. I nodded, walking back to my office, trying my best to ignore the boner that was inside my shorts. Maybe working on my office will make it go away.

As I entered the room where my office would be, I found Felix finishing up my desk. "Oh, hey. Did Hyung show you the room? Is it everything you've dreamed of?" "He only showed me a small portion of it, asking of my opinion." "And???" Felix seemed so interested in our dungeon, it made me laugh. "I'm gonna have a pet corner..." I mumbled, making Felix gasp. "And think, this time last year, you were so nervous about being a pet. Now you have your own corner." I smiled to myself, remembering when Chan first introduced me to pet play and tails and collars. I thought it was such a weird feeling to have a tail inside me but now I wear one almost every day.

Felix's phone began to ring, and we both instantly knew it was Changbin. Whether he likes to admit it or not, he's very clingy towards Felix. I think it's cute, personally. "Hello? Yeah, I'm at Jeongin's. I'm helping him assemble furniture for his office." Silence fell over us for a few seconds before Felix spoke again. "Well, we just have his bookshelf left. Um...maybe twenty minutes? Okay. Okay, see you soon. Bye. I love you, too." As he hung up the phone, I cooed at their relationship, causing Felix to blush like crazy.

We continued the room with assembling the bookshelf, trying to do it as quickly as possible so that Felix could go home to Changbin. It didn't take us long to finish the piece of furniture, which is good. Less time than we expected, actually, which is even better. We placed it in the corner, sitting the desk next to it once we were finished. "It looks good, Jeongin. It'll look so cozy once you've got everything set up and decorated." I nodded, excited about the decoration process.

I told Felix that I could assemble the chair, allowing him to leave. He bid me farewell, asking that I tell Chan he said goodbye. As soon as Felix left, the door closing behind him, I sighed to myself. I'm so tired after assembling that furniture. It wasn't even that much but it really took it out of me. It felt like such a long day, and because of that, I began to regress into my little space. It hit me hard, too.

Walking back up towards the rooms, I knocked on the door to the special room. "Yes, Baby?" Chan peaked his head out of the door, the lights turned off once again. "Innie sleepy. We go ni ni?" Chan smiled, nodding his head as he exited the room, closing the door softly behind him. "Of course, Baby. Let's get you to bed."

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