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There was a loud knocking on the door, waking Jeongin and I from our slumber. "Why do people insist on waking us up this early in the morning." I groaned, trying to roll back over but being stopped by a giggling Jeongin. "Maybe it's the guys. Come on, they'll just keep knocking if we don't answer." Groaning once more, I fell out of bed, knowing the younger was right. They're a persistent bunch of assholes.

Jeongin and I put on some shorts before going to open the door, being met with two strangers. Furrowing my brows, I glanced at the younger beside me who seemed just as confused. "Hi, we're your new neighbors! I'm San, and this is my husband, Wooyoung."

The brunet, who introduced himself as San, smiled warmly at the both of us while the blond, introduced as Wooyoung, mirrored the same smile while holding onto a plate of cookies. "We brought you these cookies, we hope you like them." They both looked over to Jeongin, who hid behind me, only causing the two to coo at the small boy.

Taking the plate, I smiled softly, "Thank you, that's very kind of you." They both nodded, going to hold hands now that their hands were free. "We'll see you guys around! Have a good day!" "Thank you, you too."

I slowly closed the door behind me as Jeongin and I inspected the cookies, wondering if maybe they poisoned them. But they seem really nice, I don't think they would do that.

"Daddy?" "Yes, Baby?" "I has cookie?" I smiled softly, taking the plastic wrap off the plate and holding it out to the younger. "Of course you can have a cookie, Baby Boy. Have as many as you want." His eyes lit up, taking a couple cookies off the plate and taking a bite of them.

His eyes sparkled as he continued to munch on the cookies, going to take a seat on the couch. I followed him like a lost puppy, taking a bite out a cookie myself. They weren't half bad. I think Felix does way better but they're pretty good.

"Daddy?" "Yes, Baby?" I smiled at the younger, thinking it was really cute how he always starts off his questions with my name. I also took note of how quickly he regressed into his little headspace after waking up.

"Innie no wan do school today." "Aww, is my little baby too smol for school work?" The younger nodded, crawling onto my lap and nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. "Innie wan stay with Daddy all day."

"How about we make you breakfast and then we can play some games and maybe go see the guys." Another nod from the younger as he kept his head nuzzled in my neck. "You're gonna have to get up, Baby, if I'm gonna make us breakfast." "Nooooo."

Chuckling, I just picked the younger up, allowing him to cling to me as I walked into the kitchen. "Will you sit on the counter for Daddy?" Jeongin shook his head, clinging onto me tighter. I sighed, rubbing circles onto his thighs as I held onto them. He needs to eat...

I decided to go back to sitting on the couch, the younger still nuzzled into my neck. Pulling out my phone, I decided to text Hyunjin.

channie-hyung: Hyune, could you do me a favor?

hyune: of course!

channie-hyung: I was going to bring Jeongin over to visit all of you but he refuses to eat breakfast or let go of me long enough to cook breakfast. would you mind having Felix over to cook?

hyune: I sure will, we'll make the best breakfast ever for Jeongin

channie-hyung: thanks Hyune :)

"Baby Boy," I started, tracing random shapes onto his back. "Do you want to go over to Hyunjin's? See the guys?" He peeked his head out, questioning softly, "Innie dress cute?" "You can dress as cute as you want, Baby."

Jeongin agreed, running upstairs to change. I chuckled, following the little boy shortly after.

Jeongin changed into a little white skirt, a pastel green crop top, frilly ankle socks, and paired it with some white Vans. First of all, ugh. Second of all, he's going to kill me with how cute yet sexy he is.

I decided to change into a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a black t-shirt, my black Vans making it my normal every day attire.

Jeongin grabbed Oliver before we exited the house and headed towards Hyunjin's. The ride was quiet as Jeongin gazed out the window, playing with Oliver's ears. I admired the little boy whenever I got the chance. He's just so precious. The way he bounces his leg because he can't swing his legs. The way he plays with Oliver's fur as a way of comfort. The way he smiles softly whenever we pass a dog or a place he enjoys. The way he hums along to the radio. He's just...precious.

We finally arrived at Hyunjin's, Jeongin immediately getting out of the car and running to Felix. I smiled softly at the two, getting out and greeting the guys.

As I got out of the car, seeing all of the guys standing around triggered something in my brain. Memories of everyone helping us move into Hyunjin's house played in my mind. Seeing Jeongin scared and Felix worried flashed across my mind as well as scenes of Jeongin crying while I held him and screaming at me that I lied to him. Watching Hyunjin lay in his bed while Seungmin fed him soup, Jeongin cuddling up to the boy out of fear of him getting hurt again. Dance Dance Revolution.

"Hyung?" I was brought back to reality as everyone stood in front of me, worried expressions on everyone's faces. "We've been calling your name for like five minutes. Are you okay?" Minho sounded really concerned, his hand on my shoulder. "I think I...remember...some things. But I'm not really sure." "Let's get you inside and we'll talk about it." Felix spoke up, taking hold of my hand and leading me inside. I looked around for Jeongin, spotting the younger with Hyunjin and Seungmin. I sighed softly, mostly to myself. I hope I'm not worrying him...

"Okay," Minho started, taking a seat next to me on the couch. Jisung sat beside him, Felix on the other side of me, while Jisung, Seungmin, and Hyunjin sat on the chairs. "What all did you remember?"

"Well, I remember all of you guys helping Jeongin, Felix, and I take our things out of the car to bring into Hyunjin's house. I'm assuming that's when we stayed with him for a while there." They all nodded, urging me to continue. Everyone had this look in their eyes like they were excited to hear what I've remembered, almost like a parents listening to their child tell a story out of love and adoration.

"I remember Jeongin crying while I held him. And him yelling at me that I lied to him. I remember playing Dance Dance Revolution. For some reason. I also remember seeing Seungmin feed Hyunjin soup while he laid in bed and Jeongin clinging onto Hyunjin."

"This is good, Hyung!" Felix reassured, squeezing my hand out of excitement. Glancing over at Jeongin, I see that he's staring fondly at me, his eyes glistening with nothing but love and reassurance. I sighed softly, feeling fatigued. Maybe my brain is tired from all of those flashbacks.

"Hyung, why don't you go up to the guest bedroom and take a nap." Hyunjin offered, smiling softly. I nodded, getting up to head upstairs.

Jeongin jumped up from his spot, taking hold of my hand as he followed me upstairs. "Baby, you can stay and hang out with the guys, I'll be okay. I think the guys made food, too." He shook his head, bringing Oliver to his chest. "Innie nap with Daddy."

A smile tugged at my lips as I just nodded, opening the door for Jeongin to enter. As we entered, I couldn't help but feel like we've stayed in this room before. I decided to shake it off, feeling tired. I just want to cuddle my baby and take a nap.

Crawling under the covers, I pulled the younger into my embrace, letting out a sigh of content as I could feel myself begin to drift off to sleep. Right before I fell into my slumber, I felt Jeongin place a soft kiss to my neck, whispering, "I love you, Daddy."

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