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We've been sitting in the waiting room of the hospital for hours. Felix is in recovery, his wound was fairly minor. The bullet missed all of his major arteries and organs, thank god. But my precious little boy was still in the OR, fighting for his life. It's been so long, I'm losing hope. This was supposed to be our new beginning. Our second chance at life. That monster was supposed to be gone and out of our lives...

We found out from one of the officers who met us at the hospital that Raein had killed all of the staff at the hospital, which is how he managed to escape. He somehow got possession of that knife, the same one that might be the downfall of my Baby Boy, and stabbed each and every staff member to death. A true psychopath.

The surgeon stepped out into the waiting room, pulling off his cap. I jumped up, immediately nervous as he had a pained expression on his face.

"Please..." I croaked out, my voice weak from crying so much. The surgeon glanced around the waiting room, seeing all of our tired and worried expressions.

"Mr. Yang is-" "Jeongin. His name is Jeongin." The surgeon sighed, nodding his head. "Jeongin is...he's alive. He's not responsive at the moment, but he has lost a lot of blood. We managed to repair the damage done to him, but we need to observe him the rest of the night before we come to any kind of...conclusion. He's going to be kept in the ICU overnight, so I'm sorry, but he won't be allowed visitation. You are all more than welcome to stay here for the night, but nobody can be let into his room."

We all softly thanked the doctor before he walked off, clearly exhausted from the long and probably tiring surgery.

I sat back down next to Minho, immediately breaking down into tears. "Hey, it's going to be okay. Jeongin is a tough kid." I nodded, knowing there was a very big possibility that he could die tonight. He may be tough but the body can only handle so much.

We all decided to sleep in the waiting room, knowing that none of us could go home. Not with two of our friends in the hospital.

I didn't sleep, I was too worried about my Baby Boy. All I want to do is go see him, tell him I love him one last time.

Before I knew it, the sun was rising and the hospital was busy with patients. All of the guys slowly woke up, excusing themselves to go get coffee and breakfast from the café in the hospital.

"Hyung...you need to eat something." Hyunjin spoke softly, taking my hand in his. Looking up into his eyes, I could see the pain in them. I slowly nodded, knowing he was right. I need to eat. For Jeongin. He'd want me to eat and take care of myself.

We all ate some fruits and a few of us were adventurous and had toast. Hyunjin had his coffee while the rest of us drank orange juice, milk, or water. None of us spoke as we ate. None of us really knew what to say.

Visitation hours started and we were allowed to go visit Felix. Seeing my brother in a hospital bed was definitely heartbreaking but knowing he was wearing one of those ugly ass gowns, that I had to wear, made up for it. Almost.

"How are you doing?" Changbin questioned, handing Felix some ice chips. "My abdomen hurts but other than that I'm okay." He smiled softly up at his boyfriend before his eyes fell on everyone else. "Has there been any word on Jeongin?"

"Actually," Jeongin's doctor stepped into the room, holding onto a clipboard. "I came to find all of you. Jeongin is being transferred to a room inside of the ICU that allows visitation." We all blankly starred at the doctor, not sure if he was saying that Jeongin was alright or if he was allowing us to say our goodbyes.

He sighed, smiling softly. "He's responsive. Drowsy and weak but responsive. I would suggest going in one by one as to not overwhelm him." Everyone looked at me, knowing I wanted to see him first.

The doctor smiled once more, nodding me over as he began to walk out of the room. I wiped my tears away, trying to look my best, as I followed the doctor.

We walked in silence before he spoke up, "The first thing he said once he opened up his eyes was your name." "Really?" "Well, he said 'Daddy' but I'm assuming that's you." My cheeks flushed red as I nodded, keeping my eyes on the floor.

The doctor chuckled, "I think it's sweet. Your dynamic. More people should have love like this." Smiling softly, I thanked the doctor as we stopped at a door.

"He's in there. I'll be over here if you need me." "Thank you."

I slowly opened the door to reveal Jeongin, starring up at the ceiling. He had all kinds of equipment surrounding him, his oxygen line hooked under his nose as the monitor beeped softly in the background. Once he heard the door open, his eyes slowly trailed to meet mine.

A weak smile tugged at his lips, "Hi, Daddy." "Hi, Baby Boy."

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