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Waking up, I notice how Jeongin isn't in bed. The sun was shining in through the curtains, causing me to groan and roll back over, trying to hide under the covers. I heard Jeongin giggle, and as I peaked my head out, I saw that he was holding a bag in one hand and two cups in the other.

"Morning, Daddy." "Morning, Baby Boy. What's that?" He crawled onto the bed, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I ordered us some breakfast." He pulled out a couple boxes with pancakes and bacon, handing me a fork as I sat up. "Oooh, pancakes." He hummed, telling me the cups had milk in them since he didn't know what else to order with breakfast.

We ate in a comfortable silence, filling out bellies for the day. "Are you ready for your doctor's appointment today?" I sighed, poking at my food. "Not really." "Why not?"

"He's just going to ask how the whole memory thing is going and I'm going to feel even more depressed about the whole situation because I'm not making any progress." Jeongin pouted, putting his fork down. "Daddy, I can't imagine how tough the situation is on you, but," he paused, taking hold of my free hand, flashing the warmest smile ever before continuing.

"You are doing great. You are doing your best to try and remember as much as possible. That's something to be proud of. You shouldn't feel let down just because you don't remember everything in three days. You remember some things, and that's progress in itself. You're doing amazing, Daddy." A smile played at my lips as I looked down at my lap. "Okay, Baby. Thank you."

Jeongin smiled once more before going back to his food. "Baby Boy?" He hummed, shoving more of his pancakes into his mouth. "Will you come to my appointment with me?" "Of course, Daddy." I smiled softly to myself, thankful that he's willing to accompany me.

I just don't feel comfortable leaving him here by himself. It makes me uneasy, for some reason. Like, as if something might happen if he's here all alone. But I'd also really like the emotional support at the doctor's office today.

We finished eating before we both began to get ready to leave. Jeongin put on some ripped black skinny jeans and a mint green sweater while I put on ripped black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt.

He always manages to look so cute, no matter what he's wearing. I do really like it, though, when he wears those ripped jeans. He looks amazing in them. I bet he'd look stunning with fishnets on underneath them, too. Pair it with a cute little crop top. Ugh. Stop it, Chan.

"Are you ready, Daddy?" I hummed, taking his hand in mine as we walked out to the car. Insurance paid for a while new car since mine was totalled, which I thought was super nice of them.

Jeongin suggested we call someone to take us, worried that I shouldn't be driving. But I'd rather drive than pay someone to. Plus, what are the chances I'll be in two accidents in one week?

The drive to the doctor's office was quiet but it was a nice silence. Once we arrived, I parked the car and sighed, looking up at the tall building. Jeongin rested his hand on my thigh, flashing me a soft smile.

"It's going to be okay, Daddy. I'm here for you. You can do this." Nodding my head, I took a deep breath before exiting the car. Taking hold of Jeongin's hand, we entered the building and checked in.

We didn't have to wait too long, which was nice. But it also sucked because I didn't have enough time to calm myself down before seeing the doctor.

"Mr. Lee, welcome back. How are you feeling today?" "I've been better." I chuckled, clearly nervous. He hummed, glancing at Jeongin before turning his attention back towards me, a warm smile on his face. "Well, I just wanted to check up on you today. How are the ribs feeling?"

"My chest is sore but other than that I don't feel pain." "Any whiplash? Neck pain?" Shaking my head, I took hold of Jeongin's hand, nervous for the following questions. I know he's going to ask about the whole memory thing and I'm still upset that I don't remember much.

I think the doctor could tell how nervous I was, because he sighed, leaning his elbows onto his thighs before speaking, "Mr. Lee. There is no need to be nervous, I promise." I nodded, calming down a little bit but not much.

I'm just so disappointed in myself for not remembering everything yet. I know it's nearly impossible to remember that much within three days but I'm hard on myself and I was determined to remember everything as soon as possible.

The doctor talked a little more about my ribs and how he wants to keep an eye on the progress of my healing, which I was fine with.

"Have you remembered anything? I want you to remember that any progress is good progress, this can take some time." "I remember a few things, small things. But not a lot."

Hanging my head, I felt Jeongin squeeze my hand for reassurance. "Mr. Lee, that's amazing. I want you to keep that up, okay? You'll get there. Baby steps." I nodded, glancing over at Jeongin who just smiled at me, calming my nerves a little. I'm glad he came with me. I'd probably be breaking down right about now without him. He's keeping me calm and collected.

The doctor made an appointment to see me within the next couple of weeks, bidding us goodbye before we exited the building. "See?" Jeongin started, placing a kiss to my cheek once we got into the car. "You did great, Daddy." "Thank you, Baby Boy. Can we go home now?" The younger giggled, nodding his head, "Of course, Daddy."

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