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"What do you mean we can't play Mario Cart while eating dinner? This is totally unfair." Felix whined, Jeongin and Jisung nodded in agreement. "You'll eat your dinner and then you can go play." I kept my ground, trying my best to put on my stern face. Minho stood beside me, trying his best as well.

But the three saw through us, knowing they could crack us. That was, until Seungmin stepped in front of Minho and I, towering over everyone as he spoke, "No games until your food is eaten. Understood?" Neither of the three answered, looking between each other to determine if he was joking or not. "Understood?" He requested again, this time more stern and loud. "Understood." The three squealed, running off to go eat in the kitchen. "He still seems to impress me months later." Hyunjin sighed with heart shaped eyes, causing Seungmin to blush.

The grown ups ate in silence as the three children ate in the kitchen, their chatter being heard echoing throughout the house. "So, I know you said no talk about dungeons," Changbin started, earning Minho and I's attention. "But like...I just wanna know." "It's pretty great." "Minho." I warned, glaring at the younger. He hung his head, mumbling, "What? It is."

"Why did Minho get to see it, but we didn't." "Why is everyone obsessed with our dungeon?" I chuckled, wondering why all of our friends were horny ass bastards. The guys have been here less than a day and they're already begging to see a room full of sex toys.

"We're done! Can we go play!" The three boys came running into the living room, eyes gleaming with hope. "Just for a little bit, and then everyone is going to bed." Minho spoke, turning towards me for backup. I nodded in agreement, resulting in the three boys rushing up stairs.

"Why are they all, like, the same person, just duplicated?" Seungmin mumbled, causing the rest of us to laugh. He's not wrong.

"Okay, back to dungeons." Hyunjin started, Seungmin sighing. "Jinnie, you're not the dungeon type. Why are you even curious?" Hyunjin blushed, trying his best to not slap his honest boyfriend. "I'm just curious. Can't I be curious?" "Yeah, let the boy be curious. Maybe he'll surprise you." Changbin winked, Seungmin now being the one to blush.

"If it'll shut you guys up, we can go look a-" All of the guys started to run upstairs, pushing each other to see who could reach the door first. Sighing, I slowly followed the bunch, regretting my decision.

Jisung, Felix, and Jeongin all had their heads peaked out of Jeongin's office, watching as the guys ran into the special room. "What's going on?" Jisung questioned as I walked past.

"The guys wanted to see the room." "Can we see?" Felix questioned, the two boys nodding in agreement. "One, Jeongin, you've already seen the room, it's yours. Two, if you're in a little headspace, you are not allowed in the adult room."

Jisung and Jeongin looked at each other, both boys whispering something before looking back at me. "We're not little right now." "Then sure." The three ran out of the office, rushing into the special room as well.
As I entered the room, I noticed how all of the guys were looking around at everything with amused expressions.

Hyunjin and Felix were laying on the bed as they looked up into the mirror. Minho and Jisung were at the pet corner, probably discussing if Ji would like something similar or not. Seungmin and Changbin were peering into the dresser, gasping every once in a while at the items.

Jeongin stood beside me, taking hold of my hand as he looked up at me. "Daddy?" "Yes, Baby?" "I'm not getting punished again, am I?" "No, Baby. You've been such a good boy for Daddy." Heat rose to his cheek before he nuzzled into my side.

"So," Hyunjin started, sitting up on the bed. "This is where the magic happened the other day?" "Magic?" Seungmin, Changbin, and Felix mumbled out of confusion, causing Minho to blush and try his best to not make eye contact with anyone. "Yes, Hyune."

"What happened?" Felix questioned, looking between the now blushing Minho and Jeongin. "Minho fu-" "Shut up." Minho warned, glaring at his boyfriend. "What? You did."

"Wait, back up." Seungmin started, pointing at Minho and Jeongin. "Minho-Hyung fucked our precious Jeongin?" I nodded, hearing Jeongin whine out of embarrassment. "And you let him?"

"He watched. And joined." Minho slapped his boyfriend's arm for sharing. "Whoa." All of the guys mumbled simultaneously.

"Okay, that's enough time in the dungeon. Back downstairs we all go." Everyone whined but started shuffling out of the room nonetheless.

Minho and Jisung were the last ones out, Jisung grinning ear to ear. "Next time, can I watch too?" "There won't be a next time." Minho whined, Jeongin shyly nodding in agreement. "If you say so~"

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