"Summer Camp"

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A/N- Before you start this story please keep in mind this is my first Wattpad story and it may not be all that good. 

Your POV:

As I was on the bus going to summer camp I think about the argument me and my mom had.


"Y/N! You are going to that summer camp and that's final." My mother yelled at me. "I don't even want to go to the one that's at my school. Why can't you send me to the one that I always went to?" I yelled back.


As I got off the bus I went to the second entrance of the school as I was passing the entrance I got an notification about Mafumafu's new song ひともどき (Hitomodoki) but I was going to hear it when I had free time. As I was making my way towards the gate I saw a guy in his early 20's pass by. He had a gray sweater, a button up shirt and some glasses that were round he looked like Mafumafu one of my favorite singers of all time but no one really knew that. 

Time Skip:

As I entered the school building there was a lot of kids there. I was one of those kids that was shy and because of that everyone in the school bullies me, but there's also the fact that I'm smarter then everyone but I don't mean that in the rude way. The only reason why I wanted to go to the other camp is because the kids there don't pay attention to me that much but I think that my mom wanted me out the house so she could spend more time with her dumb boyfriend, Matt. 

As I was walking to a seat I saw some of the kids that was in my class last year giving me glares. When the principal called us out by grade we went to the spot we were told. "6th grade stand by Mr. B and Mr. H, he is holding a paper with his name on it" She had said as I went I saw some of the bullies there and some people I had not seen in the school. "What is your name?" A man in his 30's said "Um I'm Y/N L/N sir." I said shyly. "You're not on my list of names. Go to Mr. B" And the man left soon as he said those words. "What's your name?" A guy I'm guessing is Mr. B said "I'm Y/N L/N" I said with a little bit of boredom in my voice. Mr. B said "Ok Y/N if you just stand were the other kids are" "Ok". 

Time Skip:

Mafumafu's POV:

"What if no kid picks music Soraru?  What if I teach it bad?" Mafu says over the phone. "Mafu you're going to be fine and people are surely going to pick it." Soraru says in a sleepy voice. "Yeah! You're right Soraru, I need to be more confident in my self. You know what? I can do this." "Oi Mafu" "Yes Soraru" I say in the most innocent voice I can do. "Don't wake me up in 3 in the morning next time, and good luck." Then Soraru hangs up.

A/N- I hoped you liked this chapter bye! 

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