The fans

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Third POV:

As Soraru was in his room playing video games he didn't hear his phone ring, or Sakata telling Kanae to delete the video.

Urata's POV:

"He's not answering, Shima." I said.

"Try calling Sakata." Shima told me.

As I was calling Sakata, Shima made a left instead of a right.

"You were meant to take a left Shima." I said.

"Someone is following us." was all Shima said.

Third POV:

Sakata's phone was charging but it was on silent.

"Sakata's phone must be dead or powered off." Urata said.

"Let's try Nqrse." Shima suggested.

As the phone rang Nqrse was asleep.

"Urata can you search where the nearest gas station is." Shima said.


As Urata told Shima where the nearest gas station is, he asked Shima what Kanae's number is.

"I don't have his number, I think the only one with his number is Soraru and maybe Mafu." Shima told Urata.

Time skip:

Your POV:

As you and Mafu were walking home your phone had beeped, and a notification appeared on your phone. When you unlocked your phone you read, "Urata and Shima is in the US and maybe Sakata and Senra are here too."

"Mafu we have a problem." I said reading though the page.

"What's the matter Y/N?" Mafu asked.

"Look." I said showing him what I read.

"We need to call the others." Mafu said taking out his phone.

"That's not what I'm worried about." I said.

"What are you worried about then?" Mafu asked not knowing what was going to happen.

"Mafu we are outside right now, and Urata and Shima were last spotted around here. Plus they have a car while we don't." I said to Mafu.

"Your right Y/N." Mafu said.

Time skip: 

As me and Mafu were walking someone shouted from their car.

"It's Mafumafu!" Then all the fans were coming to us, and we had to run all the way back home. 

As me and Mafu got in the elevator, the elevator shut just before any fan could get in but I remembered something. 

"Mafu..." I started.

"The fans know where we live!!!" Mafu yelled.

"Plus they know the floor if they looked at the top." I told Mafu.

"This is not good."

As we got out the elevator, we both ran to the door and were banging on it until Araki answered it.

"What's the matter guys?" Araki asked.

"THE FANS KNOW WHERE WE LIVE!" Me and Mafu shouted.

Then we heard the elevator door open and we saw a lot of fans come out, and me and Mafu ran inside and locked the door.

"We need to tell Urata and Shima about this." I said.

"I'll call them." Mafu said as he took out his phone.

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