Alice's "twin"

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Your POV:

He asked me if I'm Y/N.

"Yes." I said.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Soraru but you might already know that." Soraru said in a nice voice voice.

Third POV:

All the other utaites (Minus Mafu) were shook, on how you and Soraru were talking to each other like you two are buddies.

Soraru's POV:

I like this kid, she seems cool and chill. As we were both talking I asked Y/N where she was going.

"I was going to hang out with Senra but I think he's growing mushrooms in the corner." I said. 

A/N: Get the reference

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A/N: Get the reference. Here's a hint: "Kiss Kiss fall in love!"

"The only reason I'm growing mushrooms is because you are getting along with Soraru well while the rest of us, except Mafu, usually get yelled at by him." Senra said.

"I only get upset when you guys do stupid stuff." I said.

Time skip: 

Your POV:

As me, Soraru, Mafu watched USSS put away Soraru, Amatsuki, Araki, Nqrse, Un:c, and Kanae's stuff, the boys were telling them where to put it.

"Hey, Mafu want to hang out today?" I asked.

"Okay Y/N." Mafu exclaimed.

Time skip:

When me and Mafu were walking down the street, I saw a park and it a girl was there alone. The girl looked very lonely.

"Mafu should we hang out here and play with the girl over there? I said.

"Yeah!" Mafu said.

As we walked over I noticed she looked like Alice, a classmate of mine.

??? POV:

As I was on the swings I noticed people were coming my way. Great.

"Hi." When I looked up to see who said that it was one of Alice's classmates, Y/N. But I saw Mafu next to her.

Might as well be nice. For now.

"H-hi." I said.

"By any chance are you related to a girl named Alice?" The H/C haired girl asked.

Might as well lie.

"Yes I'm her twin sister, Alex." I lied.

"How come I've never seen you before?" Y/N said.

Can this girl stop asking so many questions, before I cut her?!

"Because I was living with our grandparents." I answered.  

"Okay." Y/N said.

"I'm Y/N, by the way and this is Mafu." Y/N said.

Time skip:

Your POV:

As you Mafu and Alex were talking, Alex suddenly held her head.

"Alex are you okay?" Mafu asked.

"I'm okay Mafu and Y/N." Alex said.

After she said that she stopped holding her head.

"I will see you guys later." Alex said and left in a hurry.

"I hope we will see Alex soon." I said to the white haired male.

"Yeah me too." Mafu said thinking about something.

Alice's POV:

When I woke up I wasn't in my bed.

"Oh no!" Soon as I said that she came in.

"Alex what did you do!" I said.

"Nothing yet me." Alix said.

"I'm not you!" I exclaimed.

"That's not what the doctors said." Alex said.

"You know its your turn now Alice, or the other me." Alex said.

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