Alice and Alex

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A/N: This takes place during "Another day at the 'Camp'/ Mafu's phone/ The school bullies".

Alice's POV:

*Beep* *Beep* *BEEEEEEEP*.

"Let me sleep, phone." I said as I got up to turn off my phone.

"Good morning other me." Alex said in a cheerful voice. 

"What do you want Alex." I said out loud.

"I should be getting a 'thank you' from you." Alex said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because who do you think put a timer on your phone." Alex said.

"Thanks Alex." I said.

Damn that demon for ruining my sleep.

"I heard that Alice." Alex said.

"Let me get ready for camp." I said.

"Fine, I made you some lunch for camp." Alex said.

Time skip:

When I got to the school people were saying 'good morning' to me'.

"Why do they even call you 'The schools little sister'?" Alex asked.

"One reason they might call me 'The schools little sister' may because I act sweet and kind." I said in my head.

"You don't act sweet and kind around me, other me." Alex says.

"Why don't you ever call me by my name?" I say in my head as I made it to the cafeteria.

"Because you are the other me while I'm the other you." Alex says.

As I took my seat a group of girls came up to me.

"Oh great it's the bi-" Alex started but didn't finish.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence or I will never let you out again." I said in my head.

"Fine." Alex tells me.

"Alice you look so adorable today." One girl says.

"T-Thank you" I say in a shy voice.

"Awwwwww~" Almost the whole cafeteria says.

Time skip:

As I was talking to the people sitting at the lunch table everyone stopped talking to look at someone.

"You should see what they are all looking at." Alex said to me.

As I was making my way to see what everyone was looking at people started to move out of my way.

When I finally was who it was I was surprised (in a happy way).

When I saw Y/N I ran up to her and said the first thing on my mind, "Y/N! Are you okay, we all heard what happened.".

I wonder why Y/N looks confused?

"Yeah th-" Soon as Y/N was saying something she got cut off by someone.

Alex's POV:

'I wish she could let me out.' I thought as I was watching her.

'She just doesn't understand that I'm getting tired of watching her live her life, while I don't go out at all.' As I was thing that darker thoughts consumed me.

'Maybe she should be the one watching from now on.' I thought.

'Just you wait Alice, you are going to get what you deserve. I don't care who I have to hurt to be free of this one sided life. When you go to sleep, your sleeping forever that much I'm making sure happens.'

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