Telling Soraru

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A/N: Under line word are talking in Japanese.

Soraru's POV:

As I was sleeping peacefully I got a phone call.

"It better not be Mafu again." I said grumpy.

As I grabbed the phone it read Sakata. I'm going to kill that moron for waking me up.

Sakata's POV:

Why did it have to be me that called Soraru. I could feel his glare though the phone.

Third POV: 

As Sakata was praying that Soraru wasn't woken up he heard the phone get answered. 

Soraru: Why the hell are you calling me?

Sakata POV:

Oh crap, this is not how I expected to die.

Soraru: You woke me up you know what that means right?

I'm dead, I'm so dead! 

Third POV:

Soraru: Give the phone to Shima.

Sakata: H-How you you know he's here? 

Soraru: Give him the phone, Sakata.

As soon as Soraru said that Sakata threw the phone right at Shima's face but at least he caught it before it can hit him.

"Why did you throw the phone at me, you think I want to die by Soraru's glares and wo-"

As soon as he shut himself up he had realized the phone was put on speaker.

Soraru: You think I'm going to kill you?

Shima: N-No Soraru I wasn't thinking and that just came out.

Soraru: I don't kill people, I kill their gaming systems.

Shima: No, no no, Please  Soraru I just bought that PS4 plus I had to wait a week for it.

Soraru: Then tell me what you four did.

Shima: WemayormaynothaveputMafuandachildinahospital

At this point they are scared of Soraru when he gets like this. 

Soraru: Correct me if I'm wrong you said 'We may or may not have put Mafu and a child in a hospital'?

Shima was praying to live.

Shima: Yes.

In that moment Shima knew he was going to lose his PS4 and a small piece of him, and no one could help him.

Soraru's POV:

I'm going to kill them.


Shima: A cat passed by and I didn't want to hit it.

Me: That's it, I'm coming to the US.

Sakata: Th-there's no need.

Me: Yes there is. You four can't be by yourselves without adult supervision.

Urata: We are adults. 

Me: Don't you dare argue with me.

Urata: Sorry Soraru. 

Senra: But who's going to watch Iroha and Potato?

Me: Amatsuki wouldn't mind.

Urata: Okay we'll see you when you get here.

Third POV:

In that moment they knew they screwed up big time if Soraru had to come.

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