Bad news

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Alice's POV:

As me, Urata, and Shima started getting closer to the repair shop, I started getting sleepy.

Urata's POV:

When we got to the shop I noticed Alice was asleep.

"Shima, Alice is asleep." I said.

"Yeah." Was all Shima said.

"Wh-" I started to say but Shima's phone started ringing.

"Sorry, let me take this." Shima said as he walked away.

Shima's POV:

When I saw the caller I was surprised.

Meychan: Are you guys okay? Do you know that someone is following you guys?

Shima: Someone's following us!

Meychan: There's a live stream for it. Me, 96Neko, and Luz stopped our lives early to watch it but more people are watching the 'Mafu Apartment Tour'.

Shima: Are they okay?

Meychan: I don't know. The last thing I heard was yelling and the live ended there.

Shima: This isn't good.

Meychan: Yeah, don't you think we already know. Me and 96Neko have been trying to call Urata but he hasn't answered.

Meychan: You should hurry to the car and drive. This live is still going on and in the far distance of the camera shows you and Urata.

Shima: Thanks for telling me Meychan, we'll call again soon.

As I started walking to the car, I saw a car coming closer.

Meychan: Yeah you too.

Then Meychan hung up.

Urata's POV: 

As I was waiting for Shima, he started running to the car but she shouted "Get Alice in, hurry!"

"Alice wake up!" I said trying to wake her up.

Alex's POV:

When I woke up, I was facing towards a brown haired boy, known to be Urata from USSS.

"Alice we're here." was all Urata said.

"Okay." I said trying to act like Alice.

When I got out I saw Shima, and he was running to the car. I walked into the store.

Shima's POV:

When I got close to the car, Urata got in the drivers seat and opened the door next to him so I could get in.

"Thanks Urata." I said as I put on my seat belt.

"No problem." Urata said as he slammed the peddle.

Crap, I forgot Urata can't drive!

Time skip:

"Urata where are we going?" I asked.

"We're driving back to the apartment." Urata said as we passed the building.

"Urata you passed it." I said.

"Oh." Urata says making a turn back.

Your POV:

As me, Mafu, Soraru, and the others were being questioned by the police, we didn't see Urata and Shima come.

"Guys we're here finally." Urata said.

"You can't be here. Boys, take him away." A cop said.

"Wait we know him!" Mafu said.

"Oh, okay." The same cop said.

Time skip:

After the utaites and me were questioned by the police, they let us go and told us to be careful.

"Guys, we have good news and some really, really  bad news." Urata said.

"You can tell them, right now all I want to do is sleep." I said as I walked to my room.

"Y/N this is really important if Urata is saying 'really' twice." Mafu said.

"Fine I'll listen." I said.

As Urata took a deep breath, he was going to say something but Shima cut him off, "The bad news is, the fans had a live stream and now know where we live. The good news is, us having some food to survive though all of this."

"Yeah, that's good for you guys but what about me and Mafu?" I asked.

"You're right. We have to go to that camp." Mafu told everyone.

Soraru looked like he wanted to say something but he just left the room, probably to go to bed.

"We should go to bed now." Nqrse said.

"Yeah." Most of us said.

Time skip: 

When I got all snuggled up on my bed, I slowly started to drift to sleep. The last thing I remembered thinking is, me and Mafu have to go there tomorrow.

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