Surprising Y/N

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Your POV:

When I woke up the lights in my room was on and I saw someone in my room.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU! GET OUT!" I yelled as I threw a pillow at them.

"Sorry Y/N." The person said.

When I looked at the person it was Soraru and he was reading some book.

"S-sorry Soraru." I said nervous.

I don't want to die today or any day.

Soraru's POV:

"Its fine." I said.

Besides you don't know what is going to happen.

"Why are you in my room Soraru?" Y/N asked.

"Because I want to hang out with you today." I said.

"If that was the case then how come you just didn't wait outside my door to tell me this, instead of me thinking someone broke into the apartment again." Y/N said.

"Cuz it would be faster this way." I said.

"You should get ready I'm leaving in 1 hour." I said as I walked out her room.

Your POV:

Time skip:

When I was ready someone nocked on my door.

"Y/N are your ready?" Soraru asked.

"Yes" I said as I walked out the room.

As we where walking to the front door I just realized something.

"Soraru." I said.

"Yes Y/N." Soraru said.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"They are asleep." Soraru says.

"Ok." Was all I could say.

Time skip:

Wow! I can't believe Soraru took me to a candy shop.

"Y/N, you can pick anything you want." Soraru tells me.

"Ok." I say with a big smile on my face.

Time skip: 

Third POV:

After a whole day of hanging out with Y/N, Soraru thought it was a good time to bring her back for her other surprise. 

"Today was pretty fun right Y/N." Soraru told the H/C haired girl.

"Yeah it was." Y/N replied.

As the two of them were walking back Y/N just had an idea.

"Hey Soraru close your eyes." Y/N says.

Soon as Soraru closes his eyes Y/N puts a lollipop on the top of his ear.

"You can open your eyes now Soraru." Y/N told the dark haired man.

"What did you put on my ear Y/N?" Soraru asked.

"You can see it when we get back home." Y/N told Soraru.

Time skip:

When Y/N and Soraru got to the house Soraru told Y/N to go to her room.

Soraru's POV:

When Y/N got far enough I called for Nqrse.

"Is everything ready ready" I asked.

"Yeah, we where just waiting for you to show up with Y/N." Nqrse says.

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