What happened part 8

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Jake's POV:


As I was on the swing alone a kid comes up to me.

"Haha loser." A boy says as he throws a water bottle me.

Then more kids start to circle around me and laugh as they throw and point at me.

At one point they started punching me.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Someone says.

Then I hear footsteps walking a way.

When I look up I see a girl with H/L H/C and a girl with blonde hair and red eyes.

"H-hi I'm Y/N and this is my friend Alex." The girl with H/C said.

"Hi." I say with no emotion in my voice.

"How come you didn't do anything about them throw stuff and punching you?" Alex said.

"Then tell me why do you cover your cuts that is on your arm." I says starting at Alex's arm that has cuts.

"I don't want anyone to worry." Alex says.

"You just answered your question." I say as I get up to leave.

"Wait!" Y/N says.

"Why do you act like this?" The girl asks.

"Because I don't need friends." I say as I turn around to face both girls.

"People do need friends." Alex says.

"People need friends, yeah right. Friends only betray you when you need them the most." I say.

"But most people aren't like that." Alex says.

"That's what you say but the reality is very different." I say as I walk away.

Then I hear a sudden shout.


When I turn around I see Y/N.

"Lets bet on how long we can stay friends." Y/N says.

'When did we become friends, I just met you.' I thought.

"I bet in eight years." I say.

"I bet... Until we are dead." Y/N says happily.

"I bet forever." Alex says.

Then I took out my hand.

"Then let's get this started." I say.

"Yep." Y/N says in a cheerful voice as she shakes my hand.

Then Alex shakes my hand.

"Alex." Someone shouted her name.

"My mom's here. I will see you both tomorrow." Alex says then leaves.

"I guess it's just you and me." Y/N says with a smile.

When I didn't reply Y/N said something.

"Lets ask each other questions." Y/N says.

"Okay." I say.

"Lets go to the slides, no one is there." Y/N says as she points to the slides.

When we got to the slides Y/N sat behind the slide while I sat next to her.

"Don't you think that's a bad idea." I say.

"If someone tries push me you wont let them." Y/N says.

"Your too trusting." I say.

"Your too negative." Y/N says.

"Let's just start the questions." I say and Y/N nods her head.

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