The boys and a child

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A/N: This is a Thanks Giving special.

Your POV:

When I woke up I smelled something burning and I heard screaming from the outside of my room.

"TURN IT OFF URATA!" Someone yelled.

When I came out the room to ask why they where being so loud, I saw Sakata was holding a fire extinguisher, Urata was holding a burnt turkey, Mafu was holding into Mafuteru as he was sitting on the couch looking behind, and Soraru with a look on a face like he wants to kill someone.

"Who's idea was it to leave Urata to the cooking?" Soraru said calmly.

Wow! Who knew Soraru could be so calm right now.

"M-Me" Sakata nervously said.

"Sakata I want you to buy a new turkey." Soraru told the boy calmly.

"But tell Nqrse and Amatsuki to go with you and let Nqrse drive." Soraru said handing Sakata the keys as he went to get Nqrse and Amatsuki.

"So you aren't upset with us Soraru?" Urata asked.

"Oh trust me, I want to rip you and that red head to shreds but I wont" Soraru said smiling.

"woah! That's the first time I saw Soraru smile" Senra said as he came out to the kitchen with Shima with him.

"Maybe we should go back to our rooms, Y/N you sho-"Shima was saying but got cut off by Soraru, "Shima you shouldn't finish that sentence if you want to still sing".

And Shima got nervous and nodded his head out of fear.

Poor guy.

"You and Senra can help clean up this mess with Urata" Soraru told Shima and Senra.

"I'll help you guys" Mafu said getting up.

"No, you can't you have a live to do remember" Soraru told Mafu.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot that" Mafu said.

"And your live starts about 1 hour from now" Soraru says as he looked at his phone.

"Okay Soraru, Y/N if you need something ask the others" Mafu said.

"Okay Mafu" I said.

Time skip:

After Mafu's live he decided to draw with me. As I was drawing the utaites I smelled something good and Mafu must have smelled it too because his stomach was rumbling and the next thing I know was Mafu saying 'ow'.

"You are not going to eat that yet" Soraru says to Mafu.

"You didn't have to smack my hand Soraru" Mafu said as he rubs his hand.

"Well it's not my fault that you got hungry because I asked you and Y/N of you both where hungry and you said 'no'".

"I wasn't hungry then" Mafu mumbled as he walked back to his seat.

"If you both need me I'm going to hang out with Un:c" I said as I left the living room to go to Un:c's room.

When I got to his room I nocked on the door.

"You can come in" I heard Un:c say.

When I got in his room Un:c was on his phone.

"Hey Y/N." Un:c said.

"Hey Un:c." I say.

"I think this is the first time you came inside my room" The blond said.

"Hey Un:c, do you want to prank someone" I said.

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