Happy Birthday Y/N!

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A/N: Not apart of the story but I wanted to do one. 

Your POV:

"Wait Mafu!" Urata said.

Then splat.

I suddenly saw cake all over me.

"I'm so sorry Y/N." Mafu said as he was trying to get it off me.

"I think you did it this time Mafu." Nqrse said.

"Mafu." I said in a angry voice.


Then everyone seemed to stop moving, but a girl with a notebook in her hand comes out from know were.

"You must all be confused one what's happening. Let me first introduce myself, I am Bunny or more known as the author of this story." I had said as I wrote this down in a book.

"You are wondering why Y/N is currently angry so let me show you why." I said as I changed the room with a few words that I wrote in the book.

"Oops, I almost forgot to change the point of view." I said as I quickly changed it.

Your POV:


"Y/N Y/N Y/N!" Someone said very loudly.

When I opened my eyes I saw Mafu, Un:c, Urata, Kanae, and Sakata in my room.

"Let me sleep." I said as I tried to go back to sleep.

"Do you want to sleep during your birthday?" Kanae said.

"It isn't on B/D." I said.

"It is Y/N" Mafu said as he took out his phone to let me see the day.

'Wow I guess it is.'

"The others are waiting for you Y/N." Un:c said.

"I can't wait to spend the day with you first." Urata said.

"It's going to be me first." Sakata said.

"Can you all get out so I can get ready." I said.

"Okay." Most of them said then left.

Time skip:

After I got dressed I got out the room.

"Hey Y/N." Amatsuki said leaning on the wall.

"Hi." I said.

"What are you doing outside my room?" I asked.

"Well I'm watching you so you don't go in a room you aren't meant to go into." Amatsuki said.

"Okay." I said.

"But let's go to the living room." Amatsuki said.

"Okay." I said.

Time skip:

When we got there everyone was there and some people I didn't know.

"You must be Y/N." A man with blond hair said.

"Hi?" I said very confused.

"This is Luz." Soraru said pointing to the man.

"This is Meychan, Eve, Sou, Trickle he does covers in English, Miyashita Yuu, and Kradness" Soraru said pointing to each person.

"But 96neko is at the store getting stuff." Mafu said.

"MAFU!!!" Everyone shouted.

"Sorry" Mafu said.

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