Ending 6

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Alex's POV:

"The ending is going to be great." I say.

Y/N's POV:

When I felt something cold on my neck I opened my eyes.

"Y/N... Move." I heard Alex say.

I got out of the way and Alex slid the knife far away.

"I had enough of you controlling me like I'm some doll." Alex said.

"Well to bad." Amy said.

"No! I had enough. I should have done this a long time ago." Alex said.

"Wait! What are you doing." Amy said.

"Reseating." Alex said.

Alex fell to the ground.

"Alex!" I said running to my friends side.

I held her in my arms.

"It's o-over." Alex said.

"We are finally free from her." Alice says.

"Yeah." I said.

Time skip:

After a year has passed there was a trail to see if Alex goes to jail. She doesnt and she had been adopted by Mafu. The Utaites go back to Japan and Mafu takes me, Alex, and Alice. After convincing their parents Jack and Jake now live in Japan and they are staying with Soraru. It's a happy end for everyone.

"Hey babe." Jake says.

"Yeah." I say.

Me and Jake are dating, and Alice is fine with it. But sometimes Alice, Alex, Mafu, and Soraru can be a mother hen when it comes to our relationship.

When Jake was about to lean in for a kiss the door opened and we moved away from each other.

"Caught ya." Alex says while holding a camera.

Soraru is giving Jake the eye, Mafu is looking at me with 'the look', and Jack has a proud look.

Yep this is my life now.

"Mafu you are giving Y/N the talk." Soraru says.

The End.

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