The deal / The fans are insane / The live stream / The police

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Alice's POV:

They are still banging on the door shouting at me.

"Want me to help, other me." Alex asked.

"No! Knowing you, you would kill them." I told Alex.

"But I thought you wanted this to be over." Alex said.

"When did I ever say that?" I said back.

"Fine~ But when you do decide you want help you know where to fi-" Alex said but she got cut off by my phone ringing.

Alex's POV:

I swear that kid never lets me out. As a child I should be let out not be caged  waiting until she goes to sleep every time.

"Sorry dad I can't leave there is a ton of people outside the door." other me said.

I could help! But no, just because people call me the crazy one doesn't mean I'm bad, besides I'm just her personality while she is mine.

"I really need to leave this room but how? She keeps me trapped here until she sleeps then I get to play." I said.

Then it hit me!

"Sleep." I said.

But how the hell does someone sleep with all this ruckus.

"Ugh.. I'm never leaving here." I said.

Alice's POV: 

Those fans must be really determined to know, how I know Shima and Senra. 

Maybe I should let Alex help me, no! Last time I did that she almost killed someone! But still... If I do let her out I'm going to make rules for her.

"Alex." I said hoping to not regret this.

"Yes~" Alex sang in happy voice. 

"If I do let you out... You better get me out of the building but..." 

"You have to listen to these rules I have for you." I said.

Alex's POV:

She's really going to let me out. This is a first, after that time I almost killed that person, but I had a reason for it.

Time skip:

"I agree Alice." I said.

"Okay, I'll let you take over from here now." Alice said.

Third POV:

As Alice let Alex take over her blue eyes turned blood red, but Alex put on blue eye contacts to hide her red eyes.

"But before I help you I'm going to eat something, even I get hungry." Alex said heading over to the kitchen to get something.

But then Alex heard Alice say something and went straight to the front door.

"You know I was only joking right?" Alex said.

Alex's POV:

When I opened the door I quickly ran out and a ton of people was following me. When they got close enough, I jumped on the wall and ran back to the door to lock it. Then I did the same thing again.

"How do you know my Shima" A fan said.

"He needed help doing something in his house." I said then the fans were gasping while recording.

What are they thinking? Knowing the USSS fans, they think he's a creep now. Oops. Alice never said I couldn't talk to the fans though, I thought to myself as I ran heading to the stairs.

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