The girl named Alice

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??? POV:

As I was going out to buy food I saw two boys by the L/N residence. They were talking stuff out and it looked like they needed help.

"Hey, do you two need help?" I said.

"Yeah, but you don't need to help if you don't want to." The one with the mole by his right eye said.

"Don't worry I like helping people." I said.

"But what are your names?" I had said tilting my head to the side.

"I'm Senra and this is Shima" Senra said.

"I'm Alice." I said. 

Wait did they say Shima and Senra? I looked up at them again and I had realized that's them, two members of USSS.

"You can put the boxes near the elevator Alice and Shima, and when you're done you can come back here." Senra commanded kindly.

"Okay Senra." Shima said while I nodded my head.

Time skip:

"At least we are done with that." I said.

"Oh, we aren't done yet but we will as soon as we get the boxes in a friend of ours apartment." Senra said.

"You don't have to help if you don't want to, it is a lot of work." Shima said.

"It's okay, really." I said.

"Okay. What we are going to do is have someone stay on this floor while we have the other two go up and put down the bags and down to do the same thing." Senra said.

Time skip:

"Are you both okay?" I said.

"Yeah." Shima said as his hands were on his knees.

"Perfectly fine." Senra said.

As we were standing there I decided to knock on the door.

??? POV:

Fake it till I make it.

I am quite surprising.


And most of all...

Mafu will be mine. 

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