What happened part 1

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Your POV:

As I was running down the hallway I heard someone singing, "1, 2 Alex is coming for you. 3, 4 you cant escape. 5, 6 your running down that corridor. 8, 9 she wont let you escape.~"

How the hell does she know I'm running down a corridor.

As I was running I saw Alice and she had blood all over her.

"Y/N help me." Alice asked and I quickly ran to her.

When I got close to her Alice eyes went red and she pulled out a knife.

"You won't be missed, Y/N L/N." Alice as as she tried shove the knife in my heart but I grabbed the knife (by the front) before she could do so.

Oh my god that hurts like hell.

Then Alice pulled the knife out of my hand and then stabbed me in my left leg but before she could do anything else I kicked her in the stomach and limped away fast as I could.

As I was limping I thought 'How did this even start'.

Flash back:

Third POV:

When Y/N woke up, she smelled something good.

'I wonder who is cooking.' Y/N thought as she got up to see who who was cooking.

When Y/N got there she saw Soraru cooking pancakes.

"Hey Y/N." Soraru said as he flipped a pancake.

"Hey Soraru." Y/N said back.

"Soraru is the food done yet?" Urata said.

"For the last time no, stop asking me or I wont give you any." Soraru said.

"Can you take out the plates from the cabinet." Soraru asked Y/N.

"Okay." Y/N said.

When Y/N got them out she took out 12 plates.

"Mafu isn't here, he's at the camp." Soraru told me.

"Yeah, I forgot." Y/N said as she put back the extra plate.

Time skip:

When Soraru was done cooking he called everyone to eat breakfast.

As they where all eating Y/N saw Iroha get on the couch, and get all snuggled up with her.

"Aw~" Y/N said and everyone looked her way to see what she is 'awing' at.

Time skip:

When Y/N was on her phone someone nocked on the door.

"Come in." Y/N said.

When the door opened it showed Nqrse.

"Nqrse do you need something?" Y/N asked.

"No, I was wondering if you wanted to help me and Araki get more food." Nqrse says.

"Okay." the H/C haired girl said.

"We will be leaving in two hours so you should start getting ready." Nqrse said as he left.

Time skip:

When Y/N was done getting ready, Araki was about to nock on the door but her door was open and he could tell Y/N was ready to go.

"Araki, is Y/N ready?" Nqrse said.

"Yeah she is." Araki said.

"Come on Y/N." Araki says as Y/N grabs her phone.

As Nqrse, Araki, and Y/N where walking to the front door Y/N was wondering something.

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