What happened part 3

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Soraru's POV: 

'Please tell me they are both okay.' I thought as I curled myself into a ball with tears in my eyes.

Flash back:

Third POV:

'It's getting kind of late, Y/N and Mafu should be back by now. Maybe I should call Mafu.' Soraru thought as he grabbed his phone.

"Hey Soraru do you know where Y/N is?" Kanae asked.

"She hasn't returned from camp, nether has Mafu." Soraru told Kanae.

"But wasn't the USSS members picking them up." Araki said as he went to get something from the kitchen.

"TURN ON THE NEWS." Un:c yelled as he ran here.

"Why?" Soraru asked.

"Somethings happening at the camp Y/N and Mafu is at." Un:c said shaking a little.

When Soraru turned on the TV and put it on the news, the news reporter was talking about some animal stuff, but then it showed the school.

"I have just received word that a student from ######## is holding hostages and one of them is a famous singer that goes by the name Mafumafu." The news reporter said.

 "We have just received more word that Mafumafu has a little sister and she is there." The reporter said looking at the building.

Then all the Utaites phone's had a notification. When they unlocked their phones to see what notification it was it scared the shit out of them.

"I own Mafumafu" That's what the video said, but the worst part was the fact it was on Mafu's channel.

When they clicked the video it showed Alex (They didn't know at the time) with a knife to Mafu's face (He was unconscious at the time).

"Guys did you see th-" Amatsuki said as he ran in the room with Nqrse but didn't finish what he was saying.

 "SHUT UP!" Soraru yelled.

"Soraru it's going to be oka-" Nqrse tired to say but got cut off by Soraru.

"They are not going to be okay. It's all my fault for getting Mafu to go work at that camp anyway." Soraru said as he ran out the living room.


Soraru's POV:

'I should apologies for yelling at them' I thought as I wiped some of my tears.

When I got out to the living room the news is still on and all the boys look terrified.

"Guys what happened" I said.

"S-Sor-Soraru" Amatsuki says in a shaky voice.

"What happened?" I say.

"The student said they will let go of everyone if she gets to kill Y/N, and the police agreed with her demands." Un:c said.

Hearing those last few words made me feel dizzy.

'This can't be true, right' I think as everything started to get blurry.


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