What happened part 14

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Sakata's POV:

As me, Y/N, and Shima were waiting for Mafu, there was a nock on the door.

'That has to be Mafu.'

When I cheek I saw it was Mafu. I opened the door and let him in, afterwards I closed the door and locked it.

"There is some good news." Mafu said.

"Did you get the key?" I asked as I opened the door to where Shima and Y/N are.

"Yeah, and I brought a laptop that has camera's all over the school." Mafu said.

"Score!" I said.

'It's about time we get a win from all this craziness.'

"Hey Shima is your arm getting better?" Mafu asked.

"Yeah." Shima said.

"Shall we get going." I says I pick up Y/N bridge style.

"Yeah." Mafu and Shima say at the same time.

Mafu unlocks the door and Shima goes out first, then Mafu, lastly me.

"It's on the floor under here." Mafu says.

We see a stair well in the end of the hall way and we go in it, as we were going Mafu kept looking behind him. When we got to the stairwell Mafu went down the stairs first, then me, and lastly Shima. After we got to the second floor Mafu took out the key and we started to walk to the door. The door was black and it didn't have a window like the others.

'So this is the room.'

Soon as Mafu opened the door I went in and placed Y/N on the ground and Shima went in. Mafu hands Shima the key and the laptop, while I hand Shima a paper that Mafu wrote on.

"Make sure to have your phone on silent incase we text you." Mafu says.

"Okay." Shima says.

Me and Mafu walk out the room and proceeded to look for our friends that is in this school. Soon as both of us were out Shima closed the door and locked it.

"We should go to the first floor first." Mafu suggested.

"Yeah, there's way more rooms there." I say.

As we headed towords the first floor my phone was vibrating.

"Who would call me at this time." I say.

When I see the caller it said Senra.

Me: Senra where are you!

???: Are you sure I called the right number?

'Why is there a child on the phone?'

Me: Who is this.

Senra: We need someone to come to the gym.

Urata: We are trapped in the gym room.

Urata: There are adults trying to kill us.

Me: Don't worry me and Mafu will be there soon as we can.

Urata: Shi-

The phone line hangs up.

"Mafu we need to hurry to the gym." I say as I start to run.

"Who was on the phone?" Mafu asks as he starts running with me.

"Senra, Urata, and some kid." I say.

"The quickest rout to the gym is here." Mafu says as he makes a turn.

We went down the stairs and we made are way to the gym.

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