Waiting for the pizza/ The girl with the blond hair and blue eyes

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Third POV:

As the utaites and Y/N were done getting her room set up they were all getting hungry.

"Do you guys want to go eat something?" Y/N asked.

"Okay." was most of the boys answers.

Time skip:

As the sun was starting to set they decided to go to get some pizza.

"Why does the pizza delivery take so long?" Y/N said having her head down on the table in the living room.

"I don't know." Mafu said, while doing the same thing as Y/N.

Then Mafu suddenly got up and ran to another room in the apartment, as Y/N, Shima, and Senra looked at each other. Suddenly they started hearing loud sounds inside.

"Should we be worried about what Mafu's doing?" Y/N, said while getting up from her seat.

"Probably." Shima and Senra said looking Y/N in her E/C eyes.

Then they heard a loud scream crying out for help and things started falling. They ran so quickly to see what had happened.

Mafu's POV:

When I was hitting and poking random stuff, something fell, and I screamed.

"Mafu are you okay!?"

Soraru's POV:

As I was looking out the window of the plane, I had thought 'My Mafu senses are tingling!', and that could only mean two things. One, I'm getting worried about him again or, something has happened to him.

Your POV:

When I saw Mafu, a wave of relief had come over me. I thought he had hurt himself but he seemed to be fine.

"I'm okay everyone, what happened was..." 

So he was just messing with stuff...

"That's Mafu for you."

Then Mafu's phone rang and he answered it.

"The pizza's here guys!" Mafu said.

"Finally!" I say playfully.

"I'll go get it." Mafu said.

Time skip:

As I was in the lobby going back to the apartment, I noticed how dark it got and wondered when Urata and Sakata would get back. 

As I was waiting for the elevator again, I saw a girl, she was around Y/N's age. She had long blond hair covering a side of her face, blue eyes, and a blue dress and shoes matching her dress. For some reason she reminded me of Alice from "Alice in Wonderland" but when saw her stop moving, she looked nervous about something. Maybe I should stop looking at her. 

After a few seconds of waiting, the elevator came and the girl and I went in. I clicked my floor while she clicked the 10th floor. 10th floor... maybe she knew Y/N or they could have been next door to each other.

When the girl got off to get to her home, she looked at me with a crazed look on her face.

When I got to my floor I had thought about that girl. 

Maybe that's the girl Senra and Shima were talking about.

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