What happened part 10

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Alex's POV:

"STOP ALICE!" I yelled as I tried to run out the maze.

"It all started because of Mother." Alice said.


"Mom where did Dad go?" I asked.

"He left because of you." Mother said as she left the building.

Then I started following her.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm getting a beer." Mother said.

"Why?" I asked.

"CAN YOU SHUT UP!" Mother yelled.

Then I started going back to the house but I made a wrong turn and ran into someone.

"I'm so sorry." A girl with H/L H/C hair said.

"It's my fault." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Why are you crying?" The girl asked me.

"Because I messed up everything, like I always do." I say.

"Your not a crew up. You seem like a nice person." The girl said.

"B-but h-how would you know." I say as tears fell down my face.

"I can tell." The girl said.

Then the girl with H/C started smiling.

"My name is Y/N what's your name." The girl said.

"I'm Alex." I said.

Then someone started to call Y/N's name.

"That's my Mom calling me. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Y/N said then left.

'I should be going back home too.'

Time skip:

When I got home Mother didn't look happy.

"Where the hell were you Alex." Mother said.

"I was talking to a girl named Y/N." I answered.

"What did I say about talking to strangers." Mother said.

"But M-" I tried to say but got cut off.

"DON'T 'BUT' ME YOUNG LADY!" Mother yelled.



"Don't remember, don't remember, don't remember" I said over and over again.

"But why don't you want to remember. Do you remember how much fun we had putting that bitch in hell." Alice says.


Then Alice had a smirk on her face.

"Shall we remember more" Alice said.


"Hey Alex do you want to go to the park?" Y/N asked me.

"Ok." I said.

It has been a few weeks since me and Y/N started hanging out.

When we got to the park we saw kids circling around something or someone. When me and Y/N got close enough we saw a boy, and we both knew we had to step in.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Y/N says.

Then they start walking away.

"H-hi I'm Y/N and this is my friend Alex." Y/N said.

"Hi." The boy with black hair and blue eyes says with no emotion in his voice.

"How come you didn't do anything about them throw stuff and punching you?" I said.

"Then tell me why do you cover your cuts that is on your arm." The boy says starting at my arm that has cuts.

'I should get longer sweaters'

"I don't want anyone to worry." I say.

"You just answered your question." The boy says as he gets up to leave.

"Wait!" Y/N says.

"Why do you act like this?" Y/N asks.

"Because I don't need friends." The boy says as he turn arounds to face the both of us.

"People do need friends." I say.

"People need friends, yeah right. Friends only betray you when you need them the most." The black haired boy says.

"But most people aren't like that." I say.

"That's what you say but the reality is very different." The boy says as he walks away.

Then Y/N suddenly shouts.


When the boy turns around he looks at Y/N.

"Lets bet on how long we can stay friends." Y/N says.

"I bet in eight years." The boy says.

"I bet... Until we are dead." Y/N says happily.

"I bet forever." I say.

Then the boy took out his hand.

"Then let's get this started." he says.

"Yep." Y/N says in a cheerful voice as she shakes the black hair boy's hand.

Then I shook his hand.

"Alex." Someone shouted my name.

'Oh no.'

"My Mom's here. I will see you both tomorrow." I say then leave.

When I saw my Mother she did not look happy.

"What did I say about talking to strangers" Mother says.

"Y/N isn't a stranger." I say.

"But the boy is." Mother says.

"Go back to the house and don't leave." Mother says.

"Okay." I say in a sad tone.


"Do you remember how I got created Alex." Alice says.

"Please be quiet" I say as I try to find the exit of this maze.

"I'm sorry I can't HEAR YOU." Alice says as she starts laughing.

"You know when the real Alice wakes up, Y/N is going to be dead and Jake will be hers." Alice says.

"I can't wait until she remembers." Alice says happily.

"I will do anything to make her not remember." I say.

"Anything" Alice says as she suddenly appears in front of me with a big grin.

"Anything." I say.

"Then let's play the memory game." Alice says.

"I ask you 10 questions and if you can recall how everything went down correctly I will let you go free." Alice says.

"But if you can't you will be here for the rest of your life." Alice says.

'Should I do it?'

'I can stop everything if I say yes'

'But if I don't...'

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