What happened part 2

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  Mafu's POV:

'Please tell me Y/N is safe.' I think as I try to get this door open.

I start to panic and start crying, 'What if Alex killed her.' Then without knowing I started screaming and banging on the door.

"Calm down Mafu you can't panic." I told myself and I slowly started to calm down.

Flash back:

Third POV:

When Mafu woke up he stretched and tried to go back to bed.

"Mafu you have work." Soraru said standing at the door.

"I can't believe I almost forgot about work." Mafu thought as he got up from his bed.

"I will start on making breakfast." Soraru said.

"Make sure to put an alarm on your phone next time, I don't want to wake you up every time." Soraru said then left.

After Mafu got dressed for they day and packed his stuff he went to the kitchen to eat what Soraru made for the white haired boy.

"Wow Soraru this looks amazing." Mafu says looking at the food.

"Thanks, but you should eat it before it gets cold." Soraru said.

As Mafu was eating Un:c came out.

"Hey Soraru shouldn't someone wake up Y/N." Un:c said.

"They let kids in at 6:30 and it's 5:55." Soraru says looking at his phone.

"I'm going to wake Y/N up at 6:25." Soraru says as Mafu finished his plate of food.

"Don't worry Mafu I'll wash the plate." Soraru told the white haired boy.

"You should start heading out now, if you want to be there early." Soraru says as he washes the dish.

"Yeah." Mafu said.

Mafu grabbed his bag and left for work.

Time skip:

 When Mafu got to the camp he saw the girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.

'Wasn't that the girl from the apartment building.' Mafu thought as he went to go to the music room.

When Mafu got to the music room he sat on a chair and was writing songs.

'Oh right today is the day Y/N gets to come back to camp, I should do something for her.' Mafu thought as he was playing with the pencil he was holding.

'I know what to make for her' Mafu thought as he was turning to a blank page in his notebook.

Time skip:

When Mafu was about done with his drawing someone said his name, "Mr. Aikawa".

When Mafu looked to see who said his name he saw the girl with blonde hair and blue eyes but Mafu didn't know it was Alex.

"Yes." Mafu said.

"One of the teachers needs help with something, can you come and help." Alex asked in Alice's voice.

"Okay." Mafu said as he got up to help the blonde.

As they were walking Alex took him to one of the spare classrooms in the school.

"There's no one here." Mafu said, not knowing was was going to happen next.

"My Mafu is finally here~" Alex said with a creepy blush on her face.

"Wha-" Mafu tried to say but got cut off by Alex nocking him out.

Before Mafu passed out Alex said something, "My name is Alex, do you remember when we met that that park".

Time skip: 

When Mafu woke up he found a note and he had a small blood trail going down his face. The note had said, 'By time you get this note Y/N would be dead, and we will finally have our happy ever after I- no, we deserve.'


Mafu's POV:

'I have to get out this room' I thought as I tried to open the door.

'How did I forget my phone' I thought as I tried to take it out my pocket but there was only a paper there instead.

When I read the paper it said 'You thought I would leave your phone, silly Mafu. If we are going to live happily ever after we need to leave our past behind us'.

As I was trying to open the window, the door opened and it showed Y/N.

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