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Your POV:

What type of camp is this?


"For the next 2 months you are going to be learning here.  Any questions?" Mr. B said. 

"Why do we have to learn if we are in camp Mr. B?" A girl with brown hair said. "Maybe your parents didn't want you at their house." Mr. B replied quickly.  Are the teachers here going to be rude here, if so th- 

"You.  With the H/C hair are you listening to me?" 

Why does the teacher sound so angry? "Yes I am Mr. B." 

Yeah I'm really going to hate it here. 

So after writing 5 essays, the teacher forgot we had lunch so he took us there himself. If I didn't know any better I'd think the teacher is trying to starve us on purpose. 


My Mom told me I leave at 4 so, I guess I have to go to the other part of this "Camp". If it even is that. Then I saw a lady in a green dress who came up to me. "What's your name?" She asked.

 "I'm Y/N L/N." I said. "Ok, do you want to go to the clubs?" 

"Yes." "They're going to tell you to go in the gym room in a bit." She said and left to go to the next person asking the same thing. So as I waited I decided to play on my phone for a bit because there were a lot of other kids there.

Time Skip: 

Mafumafu's POV:

I'm in the gym room waiting for all the kids to come but some are already here and almost all of them are in groups, except for this one girl. 

She has H/C hair, E/C eyes, a black dress, and some black shoes. She looks like she's in 7th grade. 

"May I have your attention everyone?" Ms. Bell said and went on, "Thank you everyone for coming to this camp." "We were forced to by our parents." "Annie please be quiet." Ms. Bell responded. 

But after that I wasn't paying much attention.  I kept my attention to the girl in the black dress, who seemed to roll her eyes whenever Annie spoke. Maybe the two girls know each other... 

"Ok, there are 5 different clubs. There are the Sports, Art, Dance, Drama, and the Music Club. Remember, if you pick one club then you are going to stick with it." Ms. Bell said. 

I hope my English is okay enough and that they can understand what I say....

Your POV:

As kids were going to different clubs, I thought that I could join any of these clubs,  I'm good at all of them but, I might as well join music since it sounds fun. And besides, what is the worst thing that can happen?

Time Skip:

As me and a few other students were following the music teacher, I realized this was the same guy I saw from this morning. I didn't know what his name was, I wasn't paying attention to anything when they were giving out names. 

"Okay class, this is the music room, feel free to choose were you'd like to sit ." He said as we all entered  the room. I decided that it was a good idea to sit in the back of the class room, and soon everybody had a seat that they liked. 

"Hi everybody! A lot of you may not know me, but I make music." The teacher said continuing. "I  sing, dance, and write songs, as well as other things. But for right now, I am Mr. Aikawa, but you can call me Mr. A if you'd like." 

That last name... I feel like I heard it somewhere before. "I didn't have  anything planned today so you all can have some free time." Mr. Aikawa said.  I then grabbed my phone and headphones and put on Mafumafu's new song  ひともどき (Hitomodoki).

Third POV:

As Y/N was listening to  ひともどき (Hitomodoki) she didn't notice Mafumafu/Mr. Aikawa pass by her, and was a little bit surprised to see her listening to it. Also worrying if she didn't like it.

Mafumafu/Mr. Aikawa POV:

This girl is listening to my new song. Maybe I should ask her about it? No, what should I do?

Your POV:

Oh man, that new Mafumafu song was so amazing. Plus he showed his face for the first time. He is a true musical genius. But one thing is strange.  Why did our Mr. Aikawa not ask for our names yet? Oh well. "Mr. Aikawa?" "I need to use the bathroom." I said. "Okay, go ahead."

After I was done using the bathroom I kept thinking how Mr. Aikawa really does look a lot like Mafumafu. Could he..? I should ask him.

Mafumafu POV:

As we were walking back to the music room she suddenly stopped and said three words that would surprise me.

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