Soraru's car

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Your POV:

"You guys are so dead!" Mafu said

"Yeah, when he finds out you won't be alive to see the next day." I said.

 "But it was Shima that crashed it." Sakata said.

"But did I ask him to use it."  Shima said

"How did this even start?" Mafu asked.

Flash back:

Third POV:

 Sakata met up with Urata in the lobby where both went out.

"Where are we going Sakata?" Urata said.

"To the repair shop." Sakata said.


"Why are we going to a repair shop?" Urata asked.

"For Soraru's car which we broke." Sakata said.

As the boys were making their way down town,they were walking so fast they didn't notice the sun starting to get lower. 

Time skip:

 "Finally, we're here!" Urata said happily.

As the boys arrived, there was a man that was fixing and putting tools in different parts of the store.

"Hello there. What can I do for ya?" The man said.

" Did you get a car here recently by any chance?" Sakata asked.

"Ah yes, a red one." The man said.

"With a part in the back that can go up and down?" 

"Yes that one." The man said.

"There's some good news for you and some bad news. The good news is, I can get it done in the morning but the bad news is I need to find my wrench."

"So what you're saying is you need help finding your wrench?" Sakata said.

"Yea." The man said.

"How about we help you find your wrench." Urata said.

"Sound good, as a bonus if you can find it, you can have the car fixed for free." The man said 

"Okay." Urata said.

"Lets get looking Urata." Sakata said.

Time skip: 

As the boys were looking for the wrench, the only thing they could think is how they want to live. 

"Found it!" Urata said holding the wrench in the air.

"Ah, you found it thank you so much!" The man said. 

"No problem." Sakata and Urata both said.

When all three looked out the window they saw it was late at night.

"Urata we should get going now." Sakata said

"Let me drive you two back, it's the least I can do for finding my wrench." The man said.

"Really sir?" Urata said.


As they all made there way outside, the owner flipped the sign to say closed and locked the door. When they got in, he asked for the directions and Sakata told him.

Time skip:

"Thank you for driving us back." Urata and Sakata said.

"No, thank you, you two saved my life big time." The man (Who they learned was Rex) said and then left.

When the boys got in the lobby, they were thinking they might really be safe from death.


Your POV: 

"That explains why you both came so late home yesterday, but it doesn't explain how you both did this to the car." I said pointing to what they did.

"Let us get to that." Urata said.

"As I was saying..."

Flash back:

Third POV:

As the two made it back they were waiting at the front door. 

"You can knock."

"Okay." Urata said knocking at the door.

"Hey guys you just came in time, we have pizza." Senra said.  

As they all made jokes and laughed, the next day had rolled over like a ball, fast.

When Urata woke up he was on the floor. While most of the others were asleep somewhere else. When he was looking for the bathroom he remembered what he and Sakata needed to do.

"SAKATA WAKE UP." He had yelled out running.

"Let me sleep." Sakata said sleepy.

When Urata saw Sakata he busted out laughing. Sakata had pizza stuck to face.

"I gotta to take a picture of this." 

Time skip:

When they both got to the repair shop they saw Rex but he was with a child but the child did not look happy.

"What the hell do you mean you can't tell me old man?" The child said.

As Sakata and Urata got closer to the child, they could tell it was a girl, and she had long blond hair one with eye is covered by her hair, red eyes, a red dress, with red shoes matching her dress.

"I can't tell you Alex." Rex said.

Then the girl left.

"Hey Rex do you have our car done yet?" Urata said.

"Yeah, its in the back. Do you want me to take it out of there or you want to?"

"You." Both boys said.

As Urata and Sakata both made there way to the back to the outside they both saw Rex with their car outside.

"Here you go." Rex said.

"The car looks brand new." Sakata said.

"Yeah." Urata said. 

"Come back. But don't break your car, just get tools." Rex said.

"Okay we will try not to." Both boys said.

Time skip: 

As the boys were driving back, they both wanted something to drink, so they stopped at a store to get it. 

"This is amazing!" Urata said drinking more.

As Sakata was driving he was not driving like a mad man this time. But when they came to a bump the drinks spilled all over the car.

"No!" Urata said.

"We are going to die!"

As they were freaking out, they both decided to call Mafu and tell him to come here and bring the others.


Your POV:

"You guys are dead!" I said.

"It looks like someone was bleeding out." Senra said.

"Yeah..." Shima said.

As they were all talking, Sakata's phone was suddenly ringing and everyone was quiet.

Time skip:

When Sakata was done with the phone call, he put his phone back and said three words that would scare them.

"Soraru is here".

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