What happened part 13

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Soraru's POV:

When I opened my eyes I was in my room with Nqrse and Amatsuki there.

"Your awake." Nqrse says closing a book.

"So it wasn't a dream." I said.

"No, and the fans are freaking out." Nqrse says.

"Un:c is trying to calm them down along with Araki." Amatsuki says.

"Where is Kanae?" I asked.

"He is in the living room watching the news." Nqrse says.

I got up and walked to where Kanae is.

"Soraru." Kanae says.

I sit next to Kanae and I turns on my phone. One I unlock it I watch the stream with Kanae.

Time skip:

Third POV:

After the stream ended both men had started to watch the news and as they were doing that that they didn't see Amatsuki, Nqrse, Un:c, and Araki come in the room and watch the tv with them.

"There is still no news on what's going on in the building, but there was a video that was posted on the utaite Mafumafu. The video shows Mafu unconscious with the girl of who we believe is responsible for this." The news guy said.

The man held his ear.

"We have just heard two utaites had just made a stream talking about the events." The man said.

"Well bring Jeff to show the video." The man said.

The camera now shows a man that is sitting next to a tv with the live stream open. The man clicked it and it started to play.

"Hello everyone this is Un:c and Araki coming to discuss something important." Un:c says.

"Some of you may have heard that Mafu is working at a camp and he is." Araki says.

"You guys may have also heard on the news that some girl is keeping people, including Mafu, hostage. Which is true." Un:c says with a shaky breath.

"You might have heard that Mafu had adopted a kid. Which by the way, is true." Un:c says.

"But that's not important now." Araki says.

"The important thing is trying to stay calm at a time like this. And if you guys have questions me and Araki will try and answer them." Un:c says.

The chat was going crazy with questions. But they tried to get though all of them.


Random fan 1: Who was that girl in Mafumafu video?


"We aren't sure yet." Araki says.

The fans started to make more and more questions for the boys.

Soraru's POV: 

"Guys." I said as I turned off the tv.

"Yeah." Some of them said.

"We should go to the school." I said.

Most people nodded and they left to get ready.

Time skip:

After everyone was ready we started to walk there.

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