Where is he?!?

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Third POV:

As the USSS members were waiting for Mafu, Urata and Sakata began to get impatient. 

"Where is he? It's been an hour!" Urata said.

"That it, I'm gonna call him" Sakata said taking out his phone.

Your POV:

As I waited at the elevator in the building, I saw Mafu walk in.

"Mr. A, do you live in this apartment building?"

"Yes, I do Y/N."

"Also, when it's the two of us, please call me Mafu. Mr. A makes me sound old." Mafu said.

 "What floor do you live on Mr- Mafu?" I had said.

"Well I live on th-" beep beep beep

Mafu's phone had been ringing.

"Sorry! Let me take this call real quick Y/N." Mafu said.

Third POV:

When Mafu saw the caller he thought, 'Wouldn't it be 4:30 AM in Japan right now?'

Mafu: Hello Sakata

As the USSS members heard Mafu's voice on the phone, Urata had yelled.

Urata: Mafu where are you!? We have been waiting at the school for an hour! An hour! You told us, 'Come to America for the summer and drop me off home and I will let you stay at my place. You could also bring Sakata, Senra, and Shima if you want'.

Mafu: I don't remember texting you tha-

Mafumafu's POV:

Flash back:

The week before camp started I was board so I decided to call Luz, Un:c, and Soraru. I told them to come over to my place to play Truth or Dare. When they got there we played in my bedroom.

"Truth or dare Mafu?" Un:c said.

"Dare." I had said unware of what Un:c had been planning.

"I dare you to unlock your phone, and leave it here and come back in 1 minute."

"O-Okay." I said nervously.

When I left the room I heard someone say "Do it Luz."


Mafu: I'm gonna get my revenge on them

Sakata: Just tell us where you are at Mafu

Mafu: Ok I'm at #######

Senra: Ok, we-

Third POV: 

Senra: Ok, we-

"Let me drive Sakata."

"No! I am NOT going to die because you want to drive Urata." Sakata said holding the poor boy down.

Shima: Mafu we are going to meet you there

Mafu: O-

"Help me hold him down Shima!" Sakata yelled.

Senra: Yea... I'm just gonna hang up the phone...

As Senra hanged up the phone, Sakata yelled "Hold him down Senra!"

Y/N's POV:

Finally the elevator's here. As I got in I heard someone say "Hold the door please!" and I clicked the button open.

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