What happened part 5

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Shima's POV:

"Are you ready Sakata?" I say.

"Yeah." Sakata says as he grabs on to the door.

Soon as Sakata opened the door we where greeted by a girl with blond hair and red eyes, but the girl had blood all over her.

'Why does that girl look like Alice' I thought.

"You will take my Mafu away so you will have to DIE." The girl yelled as she took out a knife but me and Sakata pushed her out the way and ran opponent ways.

'This is bad.' I thought as I ran from the girl that looks like Alice.

When I turned left I slipped on something and fell down the stairs, when I was falling I heard foot steps.

"Shit that hurt." I whispered to myself.

When I got back up I wanted to scream.

I slipped on someone's blood.

'Come on Shima I need to be looking for Mafu.' I thought as a walked down the stairs.

'Maybe Mafu's on the second floor.'

When I got to the second floor everything looked normal. 

'there's a map here, that's good.'

*Ring* *Ring*

'My phone's ringing'

When I saw the caller it said Urata and I answered it.

Me: Urata are you okay.

Urata: S-Stay outside.

Me: Urata are you okay.

Urata: No, it's so cold.

Me: Urata where are you.

Urata: T-The crazy girl put m-me in a f-freezer.

Me: I'm coming don't worry.

Then I hung up.

When I looked at the map to see where the kitchen was, I saw it was on the first floor.

Time skip:

As I ran to the kitchen I saw the girl that looks like Alice.

'Shit.' Then I stated to run again.

'I need to call the others and tell them where Urata is.' I thought as I ran away from the crazy girl.

"GET BACK HERE." The girl yelled.

'I need to hide somewhere.' I thought.

When I got into a classroom I locked the door, then I moved the desks in front of the door, last I opened the window just in case.

I should call Senra.

As I waited for him to answer the door was being banged on by the crazy girl.

Them Senra answered.

Senra: Shima what do you want.

Me: You need to get to the cafeteria on the first floor Urata is trapped in a freezer there.

Senra: Okay.

Me: There's more. The person that put Urata n the freezer is here on the first floor.

Then the noise stopped.

Me: You have to be sneaky when you get here bye.

Then I hung up the phone.

Then the door opened and the girl threw a knife but luckily for me I didn't get hit by it.

'Shit this is bad' 

'I'm cornered' 

Then the girl took out another knife.


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