What happened part 16

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Senra's POV: 

"Urata move those boxes to the door." I say as I hold the door from the adults that are trying to get the door opened.

Urata moves a box and the door is now berated.

"We are fucked." Urata said.

"You shouldn't curse in front of a kid." The child said.

"You know Japanese." Urata said. 

"Yeah and I also know we have to find a exit before we get killed by those adults." The kid said.

"Luckily for you I know the school pretty and and there is a window that can fit all of us. I think." The boy said.

The boy pointed to the window.

"Actually I think it would only fit me and the short guy." The kid said.

"Who the hell do you think you are calling short little boy!" Urata screeched.

"Urata calm down." I said.

"But Senra." Urata said.

"One my name isn't little boy, it's Jake, and two we could go wait it out for someone to open the other side of this door." Jake said pointing to a door.

"Why is the door inside out." Urata said.

"I'm not sure." Jake said.

"I just now remembered something important!" I said.

"We could call the others to help." I said.

Then the box started to move.

"Urata block the door." I said as I took out my phone.

Urata held the door as I quickly unlocked my phone.

"I need help Shima!" Urata said.

"Jake take the phone." I said.

Jake took the phone and I told him what number to call. Jake put it to his ear and I held the door along with Urata.

"Are you sure I called the right number?" Jake asked.

"Put the phone on speaker." I said.

Jake did as instructed.

Me: We need someone to come to the gym.

Urata: We are trapped in the gym room.

Urata: There are adults trying to kill us.

Sakata: Don't worry me and Mafu will be there soon as we can.

"Shit." Urata said.

The call ended.

"Senra your phone is dead." Jake said.

The adults have started to get more and more of the door opened.

"If we die here I only have one regret." Urata said.

"What's your regret." I asked.

"I was the one to break your computer two weeks ago." Urata said.

"And you had the nerve to blame it on Sakata." I said in disbelief.

When the adults was about to get in we heard someone's voice.

"Hey Senra be prepared to run out of the gym and head to the nurse's office." Mafu shouted.

The adults started to get farther away and me and Urata moved the box. When I opened the door I didn't see them.

"Let's get moving." I said.

We all left the room and headed to the nurse's office.

When we got there we saw Sakata waiting there.

"Come on we have no time to lose." Sakata said.

Sakata took us to a door that is black.

"Shima it's us." Sakata said.

The door opened and we saw Y/N and Shima. Once everyone got in the room Shima locked the door.

"Y/N." Jake said.

Y/N ran to him and hugged him.

"I remember everything." Y/N said.

Jake hugged her back and they released each other.

"Where's Mafu?" Y/N questioned.

"He still might be in the first floor." Sakata said.

"You guys left him!" Y/N said angered.

"No he suggested it. Mafu said he knew the school well and that he would get those people off of us." Sakata says.

Y/N stayed silent.

*Beep* *Beep* *Beeeeep*

"Who's phone is that." I said.

Shima took his phone out.

"Mafu's calling." Shima said.

Shima answers the phone and he put it on speaker.

Third POV:

Shima: Mafu do you need us to find you.

???: Sorry but Mafu isn't here right now.

Shima: Alice.

???: Sorry wrong personality.

Y/N: It can't be Alex because she doesn't have that type of voice.

???: Correct Y/N no one knows who I am but Alice.

???: I am Amy the true evil.

Amy: Poor Alice tried to protect you all.

Amy: But you guys never knew when I was out.

Amy: But that's not the point.

Amy: You have 10 minutes to get over to the gym or I will kill sleeping beauty right now.

Jake: What about the adults.

Amy: I told them to stand down.

Amy: But you should tell your brother to not come after me.

Jake: Jack's here.

Amy: Yes and he tried to stop Alice.

Amy: But we are getting off track.

Amy: Come save Mafu or he dies.

The phone call ended and everyone looked at each other.

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