What happened part 9

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A/N: This chapter takes place during "What happened part 1".

Jack's POV:

'I swear if Jake can go one day without doing something, my life would be so much easer.'

As I jumped the gate I thought about how I got into this mess. 


When I woke up I heard my phone ringing. When I looked to see who called me it showed one of my brothers calling.

Jack: Yeah Max.

Max is the eighth born and second to youngest.

Max: Did you just wake up Jack.

Jack: Yeah.

Then a different voice that I know said something.

Ash: Did you not see the news about the camp Jake is going to.

Ash is the fifth born, the middle child as I like to call him.

Jack: No. What is happening?

Then an another brothers voice said something.

Jiro: You don't even know what's happing to Jake. He is in a school with a killer.

Jiro is the second oldest. Then the oldest said something.

Izaya: He's your responsibility. If anything happens to him it will be your fault.

'I must have really fucked up if Izaya had to say something.'

Then the sixth oldest said something, witch it very rare.

Haru: Jake hasn't trained hard enough to be in a dangerous situation like us, he could die.

'Then it hit me'

Then the third oldest said something.

Yasu: Guys the target is making his move.

'I guess they are still on their mission.'

Yasu: Hey Jack.

Jack: Hey Yasu.

Then the number one anime lover of the family said something.

Taro: From the all mighty Taro good luck Jack and don't mess up.

Taro is the fourth born but he act like a child.

Then the call ended.

'Shit I need to hurry up'.

Time skip:

I had put on the first thing I had saw in my closet.

A/N: That's what Jack put on and what he looks like now.  


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