What happened part 6

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A/N: This takes place during "What happened part 4".

Senra's POV:

"We should hurry." I say but then I noticed something and I looked up.

"Have any of you two climbed a tree before?" I ask.

"Yeah." Sakata says.

"Yes, but why do you want to know." Shima says.

"Because if we climb this tree we can clime through the window and find Urata, Mafu, and Y/N." I say.

"Okay." Sakata says.

"Sakata you should climb first you are the lightest between me and Senra." Shima says and Sakata nods his head.

As Sakata climbs up I say, "Sakata do you see that window.".

Then Sakata sees the window.

"I want you to try and jump to it." I say.

Soon as Sakata jump from the tree he grab on to the window's ledge and get in.

Shima did the same thing.

As I was climbing the tree's branch broke but luckily I landed the floor under Sakata and Shima.

"You guys look for Mafu and Y/N, while I try to look for Urata." I say.

"Okay." Shima said.

"One more thing, if you two some how split up I want Sakata to look for Y/N and Shima to look for Mafu" I say.

"Okay." Sakata says.

When I climb though the window I saw a drawing of Mafuteru in Mafu's song notebook.

When I climb though the window I saw a drawing of Mafuteru in Mafu's song notebook

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'Mafu must have been in here.' I thought.

When I left the room I was walking to the stair case.

As I was going down I heard something or someone and I got scared so I went down the stairs.

Time skip:

When I was walking my phone started to ring. 

When I saw who it was it showed Shima's name.

Me: Shima what do you want.

Shima: You need to get to the cafeteria on the first floor Urata is trapped in a freezer there.

Me: Okay.

Shima: There's more. The person that put Urata in the freezer is here on the first floor.

Shima: You have to be sneaky when you get here bye.

Then Shima hung up.

'I should call Sakata and tell him to save Shima.' I thought.

When I clicked Sakata's name I waited for him to answer.

Me: There's no time to explain but I need you to save Shima. He is on the first floor with that crazy killer on his tail.

Sakata: Okay, I'm on the second floor I'll hurry.

Then I hanged up.

Time skip: 

As I was running down the halls I saw Sakata run out the room with Shima with him, But they where going the opponent way I was going.

When I got to the cafeteria I ran to the freezer and opened it. Urata ran out.

"T-T-Thank y-you Senra. Thanks you so much." Urata said.

"Here let's get you warmed up." I said as I turned on the stove to warm Urata up.

"Thanks again Senra." Urata says as he gets warm from the small fire from the stove.

"No problem." I say.

After a while Urata said something "Okay I'm fine we should go."

"Okay." I say as I turn off the stove.

When I got though the door I saw everything was safe.

"Should we call Shima or Sakata." Urata asked.

"No, they could be near the girl that put you in the freezer." I say.

"Okay." Urata says.

As we walk to the third floor we heard something or someone.

"Is someone there." Urata said.

"Please don't hurt me." A voice said. It sounds like a child.

"We aren't the ones hurting people we are trying to save people." I had said.

"Okay." The boy said.

Then the child came out, it was a boy. The boy has black, hair blue eyes, a black shirt, and some dark gray jeans.

A/N: He looks like the boy below.

"Isn't that the boy Mafu described when someone was targeting Y/N

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"Isn't that the boy Mafu described when someone was targeting Y/N." I asked Urata.

"You know Y/N." The boy asked.

"Yeah we live with her." Urata said.

"Why are you here, you don't work here." The boy said.

"We have come here to get Y/N out of here and one of our friends that works here." I said.

"Okay." The boy said.

"How come you haven't left yet?" I asked.

"Because I have to find Y/N." The boy said.

"Do you have a crush on her." Urata playfully said with a smirk.

'So childish.' I thought.

"N-No! What gave you that idea." The boy said with a huge blush on his face.

"For starters you are being protective of her, and you are blushing right now." Urata said.

"That doesn't mea-" The boy said but got cut off.

"Is someone there." A person said.

When we all looked it showed a girl with black hair and blue eyes and she has blood all over her.

"Please help m-" As the girl was trying to say something a knife came straight through the girls head and then we saw a girl that looks like Alice but this girl has red eyes.

"RUN!!!" I said and everyone ran.

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