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Soraru's POV:

I was waiting with Amatsuki, Araki, Un:c Nqrse, and Kanae, for Sakata to come with his car (He thinks that's my car but I haven't told him I'm giving it to him) to drive us to Mafu's apartment.

"H-Hi Soraru" Sakata said nervously.

"Hey" I said.

"Are you all ready?" Sakata asked.

"Yeah, now let's get this show on the road!" Un:c said.

As we all walked to Sakata's car he had a nervous look on his face.

"Before I let you in I want to say sorry." Sakata said.

Then he opened the car's door.   

Sakata's POV

Well this is it. 

I'm going to die by Soraru. I never thought I would die for spilling drinks. Hopefully it will be quick death...

Third POV:

 Soraru's face was covered by his hair and he was shaking a lot, so the others took steps back with worried looks on their faces.

"Soraru I didn't mean t-" Sakata tried to say but got cut off by laughing.

"You spilled something in your car." Un:c said holding his stomach while laughing.

"Yeah." Nqrse said laughing.

"The only reason Soraru gave you the car is because he doesn't need it any more." Amatsuki said wiping some tears off his face from laughing.

 When everyone heard a deep chuckle they all stopped laughing and looked at Soraru.

"Sakata the cars yours." Soraru said smirking while getting in the front seat of a car.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY ANYTHING?!" Sakata yelled from the top of his lungs.

"Knowing you, Urata, Shima, and Senra one of you had to crash the car, or do something to it." Kanae said.

"I didn't expect it to be a stain though." Araki said.

"Can we go yet?" Sakata asked.

"One more thing." Nqrse said.

"We" Soraru said

"Are" Amatsuki said next 

"Not" Un:c said in a serious voice 

"Letting" Nqrse said

"You" Araki said

"Drive" Kanae said finishing it off.

"WHY?!" Sakata yelled.

"BECAUSE WE WANT TO LIVE!" Soraru, Amatsuki, Araki, Nqrse, Un:c, and Kanae yelled at the poor thing.

Time skip:

As the utaites all fit in the car, some of them had to sit on each others laps, while others didn't. 

A/N: The people in the back on the bottom is Amatsuki, Araki, and Kanae (Kanae has Iroha and Potato on his lap in the same cage). The people on top in the back is Sakata (sitting on Araki), and Un:c (sitting on Amatsuki). The driver is Nqrse because he can drive good (And by now every utaite knows none of the USSS members can drive good.) and Araki, Kanae, and Un:c don't have their drivers license plus Soraru doesn't feel like driving. Soraru's in the front next to Nqrse.  

As the utaites were talking and playing games on their phones Sakata had told them...

"Mafu adopted a child."

As soon as those words came out his mouth Nqrse slammed on the breaks and looked in the back at Sakata,  Un:c dropped his phone,  Amatsuki passed out on the spot, while Araki had his eyebrows up in a 'I think I've seen it all' look, but Kanae didn't hear any of it because he was listening to music and he had his eyes closed. The most shocking look is Soraru because when Sakata said those words he woke up from his sleep, his eyebrows went really high up, and his mouth was wide open.

"The child's name is Y/N." Sakata said.

Your POV: 

*Achoo* I sneezed.

"Bless you." Senra said.

"Thanks." I said.

"Someone must be talking or thinking about you." Mafu said.

"Where did you get that?" Shima said questioning Mafu.

"Manga." Mafu said. 

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