The elevator and "My Mafu"

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Flash back:

Your POV:

Finally the elevators here. As I got in I heard someone say "Hold the door please!" and I clicked the button open. 

"Thanks Y/N." Mafu said

"Oh, we live on different floors" He had said clicking his floor.

As the elevator was going up to the 8th floor the elevator had stopped.

"Huh, that's weird. The elevator stopped moving."

"Yeah, Y/N don't move. Slowly try to reach the fire department button." Mafu said worried


The elevator started to up fast.

"Mafu I'm scared." I said holding onto the rail.

"Don't worry, I wont let anything happen."

Third POV:

As the two stayed there they both were waiting for the fire department.

As the fire department got there they saw the box for the elevator all destroyed.

When they got in the building they saw the numbers on top go crazy, and by that they have no clue where Mafu and Y/N are.

Time skip:

The fire fighters finally know where Mafu and Y/N are and are coming.

Your POV:

As me and Mafu were here the elevator's top corner started to open, and a man came out.

"We are here to save you two." He had said that like we are little kids.

"Y/N go first." Mafu  said.

As I slowly walked there I felt the elevator shake but I still continued on. When I got close enough Mafu picked me up and handed me to the man.

Damn, am I really that light for him to be carrying me? As soon I was picked up by the man the elevator was going down with Mafu in it.


"A-and it's all my fault" I started to cry.

"H-Hey don't cry everything will be all right. He will come out fine."

??? POV: 

As I was scrolling through my future husbands page I couldn't help but aww at him 

"Oh my Mafu~ This is destiny that H/C wont get in the way of things. I will have you all to my self, my little kitten." As I walked to my room I saw all of my Mafu prizes.

"Oh this is wonderful! You work at that camp that I go to."

Then I turn on the TV in my room and listen to the news.

"Today two people were injured in a elevator accident, one severely hurt while the other left with little to no injuries."

As they there talking they showed pictures and ones of them was MY Mafu! The other was of Y/N the nobody.

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